Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Big Tent: Republican Party Style

The Republican Big Tent

Sometimes Hendrick Hertzberg is simply on his game.
"An excitable, overlapping assortment of Fox News friends, Limbaugh dittoheads, Tea Party animals, war whoopers, nativists, Christianist fundamentalists, a la carte Catholics (anti-abortion, yes; anti-torture, no), anti-Rooseveltians (Franklin and Theodore), global warming denialists, post-Confederate white Southrons, creationists, birthers, market idolators, Europe demonizers, and gun fetishists."

And that's not to mention, Ayn Rand idolaters, Ronald Reagan worshipers, super patriots, endless war advocates, labor union bashers, American Royalists, constitutional originalists (whatever that may be) Bible thumpers, anti contraceptive, anti pre marital sex, anti sex Puritans.
And that's just the short list.
These are not people you can talk to. These are people you have to defeat, dismember and drive a stake through their hearts because, if you do not they will re emerge like so many zombie vampires and try to kill the Republic.
A Republic, as Ben Franklin once said, "If you can keep it."
A Republic requires a loyal opposition. That, we ain't got.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you don't have a monopoly on lunatics in the States.
    Just look at the UK, France, Italy, Greece, Spain.
    For a quick trip down the rabbit hole, just hop a plane to London.
    Of course, in London at least the loonies are caught on continuous camera observation.
    What you have to wonder is who has to watch the cameras.
