Friday, November 2, 2012

Republicans: Thugs R Us

Mitch McConnell, Republican, Kentucky 

Here's what passes for punditry now a days.  David Brooks, deep thinker that he is, the man who has power lunches with all the movers and shakers in Washington, the man with inside information closes the door to his study and thinks about how he can get to the conclusion Mitt Romney ought to be elected.

Brooks has to get past certain, ahem, problems, with Mr. Romney: Namely, that he has no character, if you define character as what you do when you think nobody is looking. The only thing that matters to Mr. Romney is who is looking: So he says government regulation is all that is standing between America and prosperity when he is speaking to the Republican right, but when he is speaking to a mixed crowd, he is the new champion of government regulation--can't live without it he says.  The man is the definition of an empty suit: No conviction, no courage, just a con man doing the soft shoe trying to sell you a used car he knows is a lemon but he figures he'll be gone by the time you figure it out.  This truth about Mr. Romney poses certain, not disqualifying issues for Mr. Brooks. 

So, here's how Brooks comes to his grand insight.  Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the U.S. Senate states, baldly and honestly that he has never and will never vote for any bill which might improve the U.S. economy because that might improve the chances Mr. Obama will be re-elected. He says so on national T.V., and it runs on The News Hour. In one sense, this is not surprising: It is exactly what the entire Republican House of Representatives has been acting like. It is clearly the strategy Republicans have reached in their caucus, behind closed doors. It is the ultimate scorched earth policy.  

So, Brooks reasons: Well, the Republicans are die hard partisans. They don't care if they burn down the whole building, as long as they take Mr. Obama down with them. His destruction is their only goal. Given that mind set, the only way to govern this country is to elect Romney and then the Republicans in the House and Senate will behave in the interests of the country and they'll undo the gridlock, and we'll have a functioning government again.

So, the question Mad Dog wishes to put before his thoughtful readers is this: Do you see anything wrong with this picture?

P.S.:  Unrelated but wonderful cartoon
Matt Davies, Tribune Media Services


  1. Mad Dog, the problem is you continue to cling to your outdated, quaint ideals of courage, honesty and integrity and fail to see the wisdom in being a pragmatist like our dear Mr. Brooks. Let's face it-the constantly mutating Mitt really would be a much better fit with the right-wingers in Congress than Obama.Just think of all the zany legislation they'd be able to blast through-together! Who needs things to be true or right when they can be efficient...

    P.S. Your unrelated cartoon-very funny. Thanks.

  2. Maud,

    Glad to see you are powered up again. I had images of you drinking your own urine and wielding a machete in the dark streets.
    Guilty as charged, I'm afraid.
    It did occur to me, some time ago, Mr. Romney might be able to get cooperation from Republicans, if there were any real Republicans left in Congress--problem is not even Mr. Boehner could get cooperation from the mutant Republicans now in Congress.
    We shall see next Tuesday.
    Dick Morris says it will be a Romney landslide.
    I guess I can fantasize the other dream for now.
    Problem is, this is the country which re elected George W. Bush, and which put Nixon in on the basis of his secret plan to end the war.
    If the past is prologue, I don't like the prologue.

    --Mad Dog

  3. Mad Dog,
    No that's not typically my beverage of choice-but I do keep the machete sharpened and at the ready. How many cold ones did you have to toss back to come up with that charming visual??
    I wouldn't listen to anything Dick Morris(the turncoat toad) said, it won't be a landslide for either of them...


    1. Maud,

      That was from the Daily Show--they had Amanda Bee in lower Manhattan and John the Brit in upper Manhattan. Bee had the machete and was surviving by recycling her own body fluids. The Brit, standing in a glittering Times Square, was bemoaning Starbucks having run out of cinnamon sprinkles.

      Mad Dog

  4. Mad Dog,
    Ohhh, now I get it. I missed that one-to bad, it sounds hysterical..I must confess it's a bit of a relief to know the urine drinking wasn't something you dreamed up yourself.( I was getting a little worried). No one has better writers than Stewart and Colbert!
