Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Class Warfare

My Success Does Not Diminish Your Worth--That's the Politics of Envy

Republicans are really admirable when it comes to marketing.
I've been watching Mad Men re runs and I can see the art now, as it applies to selling ideas.
So Ritt Romney is not "filthy rich," he is "Successful."
And the fact the rich are rich is not of concern to those who have been cut out...the rich are hard working and successful and they have played the game by the rules and those who are not rich, are not deserving.
The big concept is that if I am rich and have a bigger slice of the pie, you ought to be happy for me, and someday, when you are rich I will be happy for you. And my big slice does not make you any poorer, because when we grow the economy, the pie gets bigger and even your small slice of that big pie will be more than you can eat.
Just look at African Americans, who travel back to Tanzania or Liberia and come home saying they are lucky to be living in America. Even our poorest citizens are doing better in America, because the American pie is so big.

Nice fantasy, if you can sell it.

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