Saturday, October 4, 2014

Scott Brown: The Ultimate Empty Suit

Mad Dog recently noticed on youtube, right next to the posting "Introducing Scott Brown: The Prettiest Candidate Yet," a youtube posting of a debate between Mr. Brown and Elizabeth Warren.

What was remarkable about this youtube was:  1/ It was 59 minutes long  2/ It had 92,000 views.

So many people were willing to sit through a candidates' debate. Well, actually, we do not know how long anyone watched, but so many people at least were interested enough to open the thing up.

And what you see there was this good looking man reading from a script which others had prepared for him. He started off by attacking Ms. Warren for having got into Harvard by claiming to be an American Indian or of American Indian origin. Mr. Brown kept repeating the only way for Ms. Warren to prove this was not true was to release all her personnel records or some such thing.  

Ms. Warren effectively destroyed the impact of this attack by recounting how her father was told by his family not to marry her mother because her mother was part Cherokee and Delaware Indian, which Oklahoma, in that time, was like having slave ancestors.  Mr. Brown simply kept saying what he had been prepped to say: You have to release your personnel records.

As the "debate" progressed Mr. Brown trotted out all the key speaking points about cutting taxes, not offending the "job creators" by taxing them, letting "private enterprise lead the way," and Ms. Warren deftly demonstrated that Mr. Brown had refused to vote for tax breaks for the middle class because, as he explained, the tax breaks were not also extended to the super rich, er, the "job creators."

"So you held the middle class tax break hostage to the tax break for the super rich."

There was no spontaneity in Mr. Brown. He had been so thoroughly coached, he might have been a puppet, controlled by other hands, speaking in someone else's voice.  

Which brings Mad Dog  back to the youtube video he had originally tuned in to see: Introducing Scott Brown: The Prettiest Candidate Yet.

Worth a look.

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