whenever I hear about a white cop, or any cop shooting a Black man, or shooting anyone, I think of that beautiful seen from "The Wire," and I grow frustrated with all the blather and ignorant solutions proffered by politicians who want to do "sensitivity training" for cops or who want to hold demonstrations or who want to add more Black cops to the force, but of course, none of them are talking about putting policemen in neighborhoods where they can walk the streets and get to know the citizens.
Even in my small town, the police ride around sealed off in these glass and metal isolation booths they call police cars.
If any of the policy makers, office holders, radio talk show hosts who offer opinions and solutions to cops shooting people would simply watch this sequence from "The Wire" they might have some idea what they are talking about.
And don't even get me started on drug interdiction and drugs on the table and sending a message to the gangs and the drug kingpins.