Monday, August 5, 2019

Studying Trump; Learning from Trump

People who loathe Trump cannot penetrate his armor.
Intelligent, scholarly, otherwise learned and effective people melt before his visage.

Why? They simply lose their cool. They stop examining the disease under the microscope or in the lab and they erupt in a bilious outrage and all hope of effectively striking back at him is lost.

This happens in various (usually contact) sports: If you can just get your opponent to blow his top, he'll self destruct and be unable to hurt you.

So Mad Dog submits this proposition for your, kind reader's, consideration: Let's find what is attractive about Mr. Trump. Why people love him, and then see where that takes us.

First of all, you will note, his rallies are not conventions of snarling dogs.
People you see behind him are grinning ear to ear. 
The people you cannot see in the audience are laughing uproariously.

Take just a random, recent clip of Trump speaking to a crowd in Texas, where he complains about the criticism coming from the liberal/fake news media: 
"They complain about my saying we are seeing an INVASION coming across the border! Ten thousand coming across! What else do you call it?"

He laughs. 
The crowd laughs with him.

"Well, of COURSE it's an invasion what else would you call it?"

Now he is all reason and incredulity that the obvious truth of this assertion could be questioned.

"And what can we do about it?" he goes on, grinning.

"Shoot 'em!" someone cries out from the audience.

"Well, that's only in the panhandle you can get away with that stuff. Only in the panhandle!" Trump roars.

The crowd roars. 

Now, what has he done here, exactly?
1. He has shown the crowd he knows there is a panhandle.
2. He has suggested he shares an inside joke about the panhandle with them. (Although what exactly that joke is eludes Mad Dog, who is not even sure he wants to know.)
3. He has used a big number to substantiate his claim, 10,000. Where that comes from doesn't matter. He just says it. 
4. He shows the good folks of Texas he is with them on shooting folks first and asking questions later--a good ol' Texas tradition.

Despite his red tie and designer suits, his New York origins, he has shown he is one of them, can laugh with them, can reduce those self righteous, sanctimonious snots who are the Eastern liberal media to sputtering effete puddles of jelly.

And what is the response?  Joe Scarborough explains, tediously, that this is bad. This is racist. This is the President being unpresidential.

Trump knows if you can get the crowd laughing with you, he wins.

What Democrat--other than Bernie, on occassion--can do that?

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