Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Defund Police v DeFang Police: Right Idea, Wrong Marketing

Recently, on Twitter, Mad Dog received a reply to a posting pointing him to a newspaper report from a London paper showing unarmed Bobbies having been beaten by a crowd, and forced into retreat.

This Tweeter's photo shows a Marine in dress blues with his medals displayed across his chest saying that police cannot be cowards, implying, of course, that police who do not mow down demonstrators with bullets and clubs are cowards as they are caught in flight by photographers.

Mad Dog suggested the police who confronted the crowds, outnumbered and unarmed showed far more courage than their helmeted, shielded, club and gun toting American counterparts.

Those Ohio National Guardsmen who shot unarmed demonstrators at Kent States never took a step backward, but were they not cowards?

The two men in the famous flower power poster showed one brave man and another with a gun.

But to market the idea of disarming police as "defund police" telegraphs a message of anarchy. Of course we need police. We just need the right sort of police.

That Marine might well join a police force after he leaves the Marine, precisely because they will give him a gun to brandish, to show all the ladies and his buddies how brave he is.

But men who are brave when they have the gun and the firepower behind them, facing only unarmed civilians are, to Mad Dog's mind, phony tough guys.

Somehow, the idea of American Bobbies, braver than Wyatt Earp, has got to be marketed. Defund is not that.

1 comment:

  1. British society and American society are different - especially when one considers the number of guns held by the population. Perhaps that is why the British police can function effectively without guns. Might want reduce the number of weapons American citizens carry!
