Saturday, September 26, 2020

Things I Got to Tell Joe


Now, if I can just get Joe on the phone.

I know his handlers are preparing him for the debate.

I know they are telling him to keep his answers short and punchy.

I know they remember what happened in 2019 when he spoke at the Community Oven in Hampton, New Hampshire in the run up to the New Hampshire primary, where he got run out of town and came in at fifth place.

Poor Joe. He could not remember the question long enough to answer it. He could not remember the first part of his sentence by the second half of it.

But he won't have to, if he comes prepared.

First, he will know Trump will attack his son and try to rattle him with that.

Biden should be rehearsing his response:  "Everyone knows you want to rattle me with attacks on my kids, on my family.  Hell, everyone knows the reason I didn't jump in last time was because of what happened to my son.  But I'm not going to dignify that stuff with a response, beyond saying I'll put up my kids against your kids any day. And I never gave any of my kids an office in the White House, or made the public's business a profit center for my family."

Population of Coasts=Population of Center

2nd: On Trump's divisiveness

"Every despot in recent history has tried to divide and conquer. 

For you it's about calling migrants an "infestation."

It takes the form of throwing little kids into cages.

LA County Population= or > Each of these States

3rd: Very fine Nazis

"Even in this time of divided government, what people have called an 'angry moment' I thought all Americans could agree there is no such thing as "a very fine Nazi."

New Hampshire Pig

4th: On Science Denial

"You went from warning that vaccines cause autism to claiming a vaccine will save us by election day. You denied coronavirus is anything more worrisome than the common cold. You insisted it would "melt away like magic." You muzzled your best scientists and tried to substitute wishful thinking for real science. Where did that get us? It got us 200,000 deaths. 

Does that feel like winning to you?"

Those Who Served Civil War Hampton, NH

5th: On Medical Care

"You promised to replace Obamacare with something cheaper and better. All you've done is to defund it, undermined it but you never had an idea of your own about any alternative. You're great at throwing Molotov cocktails and burning the building down, but you're a miserable failure at building anything--except for bankrupt casinos" 

Those 5 things; count 'em on your fingers. Throw them out there, if you can.




  1. Mad Dog,
    Anticipation rising for tonight. Curious how long it will take Trump to zero in on Biden's weak spot-his son Hunter. Hopefully the Biden team has prepared their candidate as well as you would have and he'll be able to deal with this cheap shot calmly and decisively.

    Trump's other line of attack will most likely be Biden's supposed use of a miracle drug that allows him to function and sound coherent. Apparently today a Boston radio host was explaining to his listeners just how Biden was going to make it through the debate. It will be thanks to a combination of this wonder drug and a flesh colored ear piece that will allow him to be fed answers.... hmm.... you can't make this stuff up...

    Let's hope Biden really nails Trump on his tax payments- or lack there of and some in Trumpland will finally see that Donald isn't a patriot or a successful businessman-just a flimflam man...

  2. Ms Maud,
    I only saw this 3 days later, but we know how well your predictions played out: He did get to Hunter, although he skipped the miracle drug and went right to "stupid."
    Today, he's bumped all talk of his $750 patriotism and Proud Boys off the front page by declaring himself COVID19 positive and too tough to be bothered by it.
    Mad Dog
