Thursday, December 10, 2020

Memo to Joe: White House Office of Pithy Phrases


Mad Dog delighted in Joe Biden's remark "With Obama, Osama Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is Alive."

Rare among Democrats Joe has the capacity and willingness to zing the Republicans in memorable, delightful phrases.

Republicans have long been the masters of the pungent  phrase: Death Tax, Tax and Spend Democrats, all those things meant to hook and energize their willing masses yearning to breath fire.

But Joe will have new demands on his time and he needs a steady stream of pith made available, for which Mad Dog recommends he enlist Aaron Sorkin, David Simon and anyone else he can enlist to percolate up some phrases the White House can put out there and Congressional Democrats can pick up as a daily mantra.

He also needs a few cards in his vest for special targets:

Mad Dog has long wanted to see Jim Jordan skewered, as he strides the halls of Congress in his shirtsleeves, chest out for thumping, just to drive home the point he was a college wrestling champion and is still a big, virile Republican who could take you out behind the bar and beat you into submission.

One of Mad Dog's favorites, stolen from John Randolph, would be used the next time Jordan suggests some Democrat is a wimp and a weenie who doesn't have the balls to send the tanks made in his district into some new war, or Democrats are too chicken and wimpy to just allow COVID to burn its way through the nation:

"Mr. Jordan prides himself on a muscular animal faculty in which the orangutan is his equal and the jackass infinitely his superior."

And all like that.

Democrats need a daily stream of deflationary barbs to puncture the Republican blimp of virility.


  1. Mad Dog,
    Head of the Office of Pithy Phrases has your name written all over it. That post requires someone with the wit to conjure up "masses yearning to breathe fire".....Jim Jordan certainly a deserving early target, hopefully followed by that squirming snake on two legs, Ted Cruz. Yep, the Democrats sure need assistance in the area of messaging as the self destructive "Defund the Police" and the hopelessly bland "BuildBackBetter" slogans prove. The party need you...

  2. Maud,
    I can only serve if the author of "that squirming snake on two legs" will serve with me.
    We really do deserve our own mid day radio show, but that would require a just world.
    Mad Dog
