Saturday, July 9, 2022

Don't Tread on My Uterus: Cognitive Dissonance for a Cause


Republicans, like their ancestors, the Nazis of the Third Reich, have been very adroit and focused on symbols and marketing.

Adolf Hitler, a frustrated artist, designed the familiar red white and black Swastika flag, and it is an effective piece of design: Simple, bold, eye catching, unforgettable.

Democrats, ever fearful of offending, have little to counter the Don't Tread on Me, yellow Gadsden flag waved at the MAGA rallies.

This use of the Don't Tread on Me Gadsden flag particularly rankles Mad Dog, as he had such a flag in his basement years before it was appropriated by the Mad Right.

Now, a student at a Florida art school, Anne Lesniak,  has designed a wonderful logo, playing on the Gadsden art but transforming it into a uterus and fallopian tubes with a snake head and rattle snake rattles as the ovaries. It is bold, visually captivating and very effective in expressing the outrage, which will be only outrage, unless translated into electing pro choice candidates in November.

Every Democrat should have an armband with this logo, or a T shirt and the headquarters in Hampton, NH should have this flag flying.

But likely, the local DEMS will not do this. 

When a local Dem hung a banner showing diapered trump during the 2016 election in the Hampton office, Ray Buckley's officials quickly tore it down, as potentially "offensive" and "too far out there." Donald Trump won that election, at least in the electoral college, and you will never convince Mad Dog Democrats should not have taken more chances at offending people in 2016. Surely Trump and his tribe offended people with reckless abandon. They did not play it safe. They eschewed the ground game of door to door knocking and they threw deep bombs with "Lock Her Up" and "Don't Tread on Me!"

I'd like to see the Democratic candidates for State Representative and for Executive Committee, both ladies from Hampton, in campaign photos, wearing  these yellow T shirts, sitting on the tail end of a pick up truck, with a gun rack (no gun in the rack) in blue jeans, possibly chewing on a hay seed, hair in pigtails, possibly cuddling a baseball bat, smiling demurely into the camera. Or possibly grinning.

Let those MAGA types deal with these in your face, Gadsden mocking women.

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