Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Joe Biden Wins New Hampshire Primary By Write-In Landslide


Now, here's a bit of bizarre exotica which could only happen in New Hampshire, the most perverse and cantankerous state in New England. The Live Free or Die, don't tell me what to think state.

Just imagine: It's January 23, 2024, and the official ballot for Democratic candidates for President does not have the name of Joseph R. Biden printed on it. It has Marianne Williamson and a variety of other odd fellows on it, but no Joseph Biden.

Once the ballots are counted no delegates to the National Convention will be awarded or seated at the Democratic National Convention that summer because by holding its election on that date, New Hampshire Democrats have defied the Democratic National Committee which has decreed that the first in the nation primary will happen in South Carolina. 

The reason the DNC did this is because the leader of the Party, namely President Joseph Robinette Biden lost ignominiously in the last New Hampshire primary--came in 5th in fact, and he left the state before the polls closed so he could fly down and start his campaign in South Carolina, where no Democrat has had a snowball's chance in Hell of winning in the Presidential election, but where a Black minority voted to give him his first Democratic primary victory. 

South Carolina is no more representative of the United States demographically than is New Hampshire and has no business having the first in the nation primary, which is an honor which translates into millions of dollars for advertising in local TV markets, hotels and restaurants.  So, the loss of the first in the nation status is a thumb in the eye of New Hampshire, and a hit to the wallet.

Given all that, why would 600,000 New Hampshire citizens trudge out in the snow and wind on January 23 to write in the name of the man who spurned them, once they had spurned him? It's like the man who saw his spouse of 40 years walk out on him, and a year later, he shows up at her wedding to her new husband, carrying a bouquet of her favorite flowers and an envelop with a fat check for the new bride.

Why would New Hampshire Democratic primary voters do this?

Because they are sick of all the news stories about how Joe Biden is all washed up, cooked, toasted, punch drunk and won't last a round against Donald Trump, who leads him in every poll in every swing state. 

And Granite Staters just don't like being ignored. They are going to make some news on fake primary day, and with the landslide, by write in, this is a news story no media outlet can resist. 

Folks in New Hampshire just love sticking the glossy media types in the eye.

So, take that, DNC. Do you miss us yet, Joe? And ignore us at your peril, FOX News. 

It's better than the town which elects the dead man mayor. This state, spurned, rejected, written off, forgotten, votes by write in ballot of all things, for the walking dead.

Don't tread on me. Live Free or Die. Stand Fast.  Regnant Populi. 

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