Friday, February 9, 2024

To Be "Hur'ed" As in Slurred: The Arrogance of Small Minds


So, he went to Harvard School, a private secondary school in LA, not to be confused with Harvard College, where he eventually matriculated and then Harvard Law with the requisite stint at Cambridge, England,  just to buff his resume further. 

And he's the son of immigrants.

And what did all of that mean to the man in question? 

Let me hazard a guess:

"I am so superior, and of such intellectual power, I can judge, not only questions of law, but also things like the stages of dementia, or perhaps the microvascular degeneration of cerebral vasculature, and whether or not there might be some amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in an elderly man of diminishing capacities. Why not? Am I not brilliant? Am I not a genius?

When Mad Dog first heard Joe Biden speak in a small space in New Hampshire, he was struck by Biden's meandering, his failure to answer the question--if he even remembered the question--and how he would start to speak about an issue of tariffs, but wound up speaking about a new war on cancer. 

But, despite all of that, the man, as President, has shown, if anything, maybe some level of dementia is no impediment, perhaps even an asset, to being an effective President--he saved us from the next  Great Depression, got the Ukrainians the help they needed (at least until the Republicans seized control of the House.) Biden e actually got an infrastructure law passed, and he spent money when he had to, when it did the most good to keep people out of poverty (without adding more to the deficit than Trump's tax giveaways to the rich did.) Biden guided us through COVID by actually respecting Dr. Fauci and the scientists, and generally made every call correctly. In general, his instincts have been right and the economy is now so good that Trump is trying to take credit for it, claiming the only reason things are going so well is everyone is anticipating he'll be re-elected. (You've got to marvel at Trump's chutzpah, which is defined by the man who murders both his parents, then pleads for leniency because he is now an orphan.)

Now we have the special counsel, Mr. Hur, a 50 something with all-the-Harvard-one-can-get, but who isn't smart enough to know that what you might think the President is, or how he might come across to a jury, is not relevant to a report on whether or not he's a felon. 

Ye gads! Don't they teach these young hot shots anything at Harvard? 

Mad Dog is not even a lawyer, but he can read and think (on good days) and that swipe at the President seemed to come out of nowhere.

This has got to be the Oxford Book of English Idiomatic Expressions entry for, "What was he thinking?" 

Or, maybe not from nowhere. Maybe it's one of those: If Trump wins, he might remember me for that open seat on the Supreme Court. After all he appointed me U.S. Attorney for Maryland once; so we are already tight.

After seven years at Harvard, was Mr. Hur not capable of imagining that his descriptions of Mr. Biden as a, "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory," who is a man of "diminished faculties in advancing age," would not find their way into the national news coverage?

Or maybe, that was the point. Where's my MAGA hat?

But you would think this Harvard guy would be smart enough not to stick this slur into an official state document. He could have held that back for the FOX microphone at the inevitable press conference after the report was released. 

If that SCOTUS seat is unavailable, at the very least, there's got to be a spot a for Mr. Hur at FOXNEWS.  

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