Saturday, August 24, 2024

Why "Weirdos" Stings


At the corner of Route 27 and Lafayette Road today, a gaggle of Trump supporters, waving flags and signs, stood grinning and gesticulating at passing motorists, and cars trapped waiting for the very complicated traffic lights.

Looking at them, Mad Dog wished he had his sign with him:

But then Mad Dog thought: They are just so pathetic. Why engage with them?

While it is true that most of those arrested at the Capitol on January 6th were not "losers," unemployed men living in their parents' basements, but rather owners of small companies, HVAC men, doctors, lawyers,

Is that a guillotine prize he's holding?

 businessmen, Rotary Club types, a significant part of the 46% of the country who loves Trump are marginalized, alienated types, bottom dwelling losers, who love the Trump line that the system is rigged and the liberals are trying to take away your status and give it to the undeserving dark skinned immigrants who the Democrats hope to turn into Democratic voters. These bottom dwellers knew they are at the bottom of the heap, but they always had that firm knowledge there was someone below them: the Negroes, or, more recently, the wetback, South of the Border refugee. "You Will Not Replace Us," was straight from the KKK--we have an established order and no matter how stupid I may be personally, if you are a Negro or the equivalent, you are below me.

Proud to be Weird

Joining the Trump club, everyone, no matter how rejected they may have been in school, at the bar, or in the softball league, has a place and can feel proud.

Honey Boo Boo rises from the ashes

Being called a Weirdo opens that wound, because now it's no longer cool to be weird.

How was prison, Weirdo?

Mad Dog's Democratic comrades (and he uses that word proudly) tell him to pipe down, that these people are pathetic enough and it does no good to rub it in--but Mad Dog thinks not: Make these people feel the public humiliation they have so richly earned; make them crawl back under the rocks from which they have slithered forth, warmed by the rays from Mr. Trump. Let them feel the sting, and maybe they will not believe so ardently in burning the whole system down.

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Trouble with the "Liberal Media": Lydia Polgreen

 Don't get me wrong: I love the liberal media.

The New York Times, The New Yorker, PBS News. I buy subscriptions, read them watch them all the time. 

But it's like that aging hippie lady next door who is growing marijuana by the fence and who traps you when you are trying to weed the flower bed, to talk about feeding stray cats and racoons, who she believes would starve without a concerted community effort.

Gotta love her, but oh, plueeze spare me. 

And so we have the New York Times giving over 2 full pages of the Sunday Opinion section to Lydia Polgreen, a former New York Times writer, who believes fervently in gender fluidity and the cause of Transgender rights.

Lydia Polgreen

And, as is the practice of the New York Times, no answering article is provided.

It should be noted that the New England Journal of Medicine provides a statement in their letters to the editor section, and then a response to that statement as a matter of course.

There is no reason the NYT could not do this, other than hidebound tradition. "We've always done it this way."

So, what did Lydia Polgreen have to say which warranted this oceanic volume of column inches (7 columns spread out over 2 pages, with an illustration--the most ink devoted to a single topic since those huge banner headlines which filled an entire front page with "WAR!" in the 20th century.) This was not an opinion piece so much as a pamphlet.

Hilary Cass, MD

What provoked Ms. Polgreen so ardently is the publication of a 388 page report on "gender-affirming care" (aka "transgender medicine") published in April of this year by Hilary Cass, a retired pediatrician (italics mine--but the "retired" is used by Ms. Polgreen for obvious reasons) who had been the head of the British pediatric medical association, but who, Ms. Polgreen avers "had no direct experience with transgender care."

But first, a little background, which Ms. Polgreen does not provide, although she alludes to some parts of it.

Recognizing a Problem

The first thing Ms. Polgreen neglects to mention is the reason the study was commissioned by the British National Health Service: there has been an explosion in patients seeking care at British clinics for gender dysphoria, seeking gender changing therapy. It is difficult to suss out the numbers, but the NHS is particularly sensitive to the cost of therapies, and the Brits get pretty sticky about whether a new therapy is worth the taxpayers' money. So when any disease or clinic starts accounting for more cost, the Brits tend to notice:

According to a study commissioned by NHS England, 10 years ago there were just under 250 referrals, most of them boys, to the Gender Identity Development Service (Gids), run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust in London.

Last year, there were more than 5,000, which was twice the number in the previous year. And the largest group, about two-thirds, now consisted of “birth-registered females first presenting in adolescence with gender-related distress”, the report said.

--Professor Google, Source Lost in translation

There could be any number of explanations for the change in these numbers, although in a country of 67 million people, 5,000 patients does not seem like a huge number.

Where did Gender Dysphoria Come From?

But let's go back to see where "transgender clinics" came from: Somewhere around 1966, plastic surgeons at the Johns Hopkins Hospital began developing techniques to transform patients who had been "assigned" the male gender but wanted to become female and to transform females into males, anatomically. 

Around this time, Dr. Maria New's pediatric endocrinology department at Cornell reported some curious cases of children who never really felt like girls, and turned out to have some genetic changes which caused profound biochemical changes in the way testosterone and other steroid hormones got made, so their psychological phenomenon had readily apparent biochemical explanations. These patients were born with what looked like female external genitalia but had chromosomes (46 XY) which define male sex/gender.

A little later, Hopkins hired Dr. Paul McHugh (chief of one of Cornell's psychiatric divisions) as the chief of psychiatry and when he arrived in Baltimore, the heads of the transgender medicine enterprise asked him to join the endocrinologists, surgeons, urologists to help run the Transgender Clinic. The first thing McHugh did was to review the data and one thing leapt out at him: 40% of the clinic's patients had either committed suicide or made a very determined effort to commit suicide.  McHugh withdrew psychiatry from the transgender clinic,  with the withering question: If you had a cardiology clinic promulgating a new procedure, and you found it had a 40% mortality rate, would you not put a halt to this approach until you could be sure this approach is safe?

Shortly thereafter, Hopkins closed its transgender program.

Paul McHugh

Abandoning Free Inquiry:

But, for our story, a sidelight to this story has not got enough attention: McHugh found himself the target of repeated attacks, questioning his morality, his professionalism and his very soul. Medical Students at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine refused to speak to him. They noted his Catholic faith and accused him of failing to act as a doctor, but instead embracing Catholic teaching over scientific thinking.

McHugh responded: there is an equally plausible hypothesis: Transgender patients may be more like patients with anorexia nervosa than they were like Maria New's patients. No biochemical abnormality had ever been discovered in the transgender clinic patients, but maybe the transgender patients were simply afflicted, as the anorexia nervosa patients, by a "single wrong idea." The anorexia nervosa patient looks at her 80 pound body at five feet seven inches tall and says, "I'm just too fat!"

A single wrong Idea

The attacks on McHugh continued and grew until he ultimately retired, and they were the harbinger of the wave of reaction directed at any physician who dared question the correctness of Transgender Clinics. Even at Endocrine Society meetings, any criticism of Transgender Clinics was taken as a political statement, a manifestation of intolerance and hostility toward transgender patients.

The topic of transgender medicine could no longer be broached in anything close to an objective or scientific way. 

About 3 years ago, at the Endocrine Society meeting, I attended a session given by some Dutch doctors about their clinic for "Androgen Abuse Syndrome," something we see a fair amount in the US. The patients in this clinic walk in heavily muscled, looking like the Incredible Hulk, asking for testosterone therapy. Of course, they have been using testosterone obtained from "gym rats" and now they want a legal source from an endocrinologist and three weeks before attending the clinic they stop their injections and their testosterone levels fall and they have their ticket to clinic for "low T" (testosterone.) The Dutch treat these folks like patients with anorexia nervosa and sign them up for a "detox" program where they sign contracts not to seek testosterone elsewhere and to taper under supervision. "These men look in the mirror and see a 98 pound weakling," the Dutch doctors noted. From that session I went to the Transgender Clinic session, where the doctor leading it presented a case of a patient they were giving four times the standard dose of testosterone in an effort to stop menstruation. They were giving twice the dose most Androgen Abuse patients were taking when they entered that clinic. I quickly texted the American moderator of the Androgen Abuse session and asked, "How is this Transgender Clinic not guilty of 'androgen abuse?'"  He replied, "Well, if it's for gender affirming care, it's not abuse."

Thus is the state of thinking among folks who are supposed to be objective scientists--or thus was the thinking before the Cass report.

That all changed once the Cass paper appeared.

Asking the Uncomfortable Questions:

The big issues remained:

1/ The suicide rate: always disputed and deconstructed, but most clinic heads agreed the suicide (or serious attempt) rate  remains stubbornly around 40%. This is taken as an indicator not of a failure of therapy, but of the stress society puts on transgender patients.

2/ The risks of using prodigious doses of testosterone for some patients, sometimes up to 8 times the standard doses.

3/ The difficulty in assessing what success is. Polgreen says the measure of success in the Cass paper is whether patients can enter a life which society deems a success--satisfying sex, employment, good citizenship. Whatever measure you use, it has to be, necessarily, the ultimate satisfaction, the "happiness" of the patient. There is no lab test you can order to show success.

4/ "Transgender regret"--Cass's report suggests many if not most transgender clinic patients who wanted to go female to male go back to wanting to be females after some years. The Dutch found a relatively smaller proportion expressing regret at their decisions to "transition," although the Dutch refuse to allow patients to transition until after they are 18, and will not allow drivers' licenses to be changed to the opposite sex unless males have been castrated.

Polgreen calls the Cass report a "powerful piece of ammunition in American reactionaries' war on trans young people." She says Cass's attempts to find a cause for gender dysphoria render it a "strange document." Polgreen says, "What I have come to realize is that this report, for all its claims of impartiality, is fundamentally a subjective, political document."

What has flummoxed Polgreen, is the sympathy expressed for transgender patients throughout the report, which is no screed. Cass and her colleagues clearly want the best for these folks, who, after all, are suffering. She cannot simply accuse Cass of the subterranean prejudice they laid on McHugh.

Polgreen spins off into the usual politics herself: "For years, doctors belittled the suffering of people, especially women, with unexplained pain, fatigue or brain fog...For much of its history this care was withheld or offered with the kind of contempt you'd expect for people who have been treated as pariahs for their failure to conform to society's gender expectations...a dark and cruel history."

Answering Cass's observation that we do not have longterm studies to assess the efficacy and/or desirability of treatment, Polgreen shrugs this off: There are many areas of pediatric medicine where treatment has proceeded with very limited evidence base for long-term consequences, like neonatal intensive care and, more recently, new weight-loss medicines prescribed for obese children."

Of course, these are two very bad examples, as it was prima facia obvious pediatric NICU's would be advantageous, and you didn't need studies to know that; and the risks of GLP1 agonists for weight loss are clearly safer and as effective as bariatric surgery, the only alternative.

Polgreen quotes "a group of scholars and clinicians including to Yale professors" as saying "pediatric care would all but cease if physicians denied treatments for which the evidence base is imperfect." 

This is, of course, abducto ad absurdum. Nobody, including Cass, demands perfect evidence.

Polgreen quotes a patient as saying, "It just felt like they were finding any reason to 'disprove' me being trans in my first appointment." Well, duh! Of course the doctors wanted to explore the alternative before accepting the patient's own diagnosis and rushing forth into treatment.

"The report is shot through with language like that. It seems to encourage everything that can be done to preserve the possibility that a child might turn out not to be transgender and avoids anything that might too enthusiastically affirm a child's sense of themselves."

Well, yes, when you are talking about cutting off a person's testicles and penis and creating a new vaginal vault surgically, or doing bilateral mastectomies, yes, you might want to be sure there will be no regrets later, after you have cross that Rubicon, especially knowing there's 40% chance of that patient jumping off a roof five years later.

She ends with the appeal to the right to the doctor/patient relationship: "In a free society, we agree that these are private matters, decided by individual and their families with the support of doctors...We invite politicians and judges into them at great peril to our freedom."

The problem is Transgender Clinics are big money. They can be cash cows for institutions by the time you add up all the endocrine/psychiatry/urologic surgery/ breast surgery consults. That sacred "doctor/patient" relationship may be tinged with the desire to generate dollars for the institution. One case presented at Endocrine Society was of a patient who had transitioned from male to female, but still had his penis and testes intact and his female lesbian partner, who wanted IVF using his sperm and her egg at a cost we can only imagine, when, in fact, for no cost, a standard coital episode might accomplish the same end, without the taxpayer paying for it.

And in the United Kingdom, the "right" to this expensive therapy comes under government scrutiny because that NHS is under great economic pressure already.

Dr. Cass's report has, if nothing else, allowed doctors the space to say, "Let's measure twice and cut once," without being Paul McHugh'ed and hounded from the conference room. 

What the Cass report has done, which citizen Polgreen so decries is insist on rigorous evaluation, to raise questions about treatment programs which should have been asked all along, but which were excluded on ideological grounds, which turned medical practice into a branch of politics and political correctness. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024



I know, I know. 

Hillary was pilloried about her "Basket of Deplorables" remark. 

But it did nothing more than consolidate the indignation of people who already felt disrespected; it simply confirmed their suspicions that people like Hillary who went to Wellesley and Yale Law looked down their noses at them, which is true, and rightly so.

But Tim Walz's remark about "they're weird" does not necessarily extend to Trump's supporters and Vance's fans--he was talking about the candidates, not their supporters.

But we all know their fans are every bit as creepy and weird as Trump and Vance. And the thing is, as in the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," what makes them really creepy is they look so normal--until they open their mouths.

That whole wing nut wing of the Republican Party is creepy weird: They obsess over transgenders ogling your daughters in the locker rooms; about imaginary insane asylum escapees flooding over the border and raping untold numbers of white suburban women; about being real super hero tough guy men with heel spurs; about all those babies who are murdered shortly after their mothers give birth in abortion clinics--spoiler alert: doesn't happen.

They also march with torches imitating the Nazi torch light parades in the 1930's Germany; they describe the Trumpist attack on the Capitol as normal tourists just enjoying a day out. 

They watch FOXNEWS. 

They don't have to watch FOXNEWS, but they do. They know what they're going to see as surely as a man going to Porn Hub knows what he's going to see, and they keep doing it.


Certified Creepy Weirdo

The truth hurts.

Look, ma! I'm just like him!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Where Is The Weird? Trump Rally Phantasmagoria



Ext. Trump Rally.

Trump is standing at podium, joyful backers holding MAGA signs behind him.

As he begins to speak, loudspeakers  from drones, just barely visible, hovering on either side of the stage, blast out a message which drowns out Trump's words:

DRONES:  WEIRD. Weirder. Weirdo.  Creep. Creep. CREEPY!

Yup, this is Mad Dog's fantasy.

Between now and November 5, the dominant message hammered home is Trump the Creep. (And remember, the Committee to RE Elect the President: CREEP.)

And Trump and Vance are WEIRD. (What Ever In Republican Doomsday)

Thus far, cartoonists have not leapt upon this line.

But, maybe, some will see it for what it is: A gift.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Walz: Keeping It Simple

Donald Trump and the Republican Party has always known the key tenet of mass communications: Keep It Simple.

Democrats have always struggled with this. Joe Biden was able to do this occasionally ("Under Obama, Osma Bin Laden is dead and GM is Alive.")

But now, finally, we have a Democrat who can keep it simple. Tim Walz has boiled it down: "They are creepy and weird."

That's it.

That's all we have to say.

Then, all those simpleminded folk out there who grin and beam are suddenly smitten with self doubt.

Are we creepy?

Are we weird?

Yes, Trump is weird. 

Yes, Couch humping Vance is creepy.

Or maybe it's the other way round.

Republicans are creepy and weird. Say it often enough, loud enough; make a chant of it; make a finger sign of it. Just keep saying it at every rally, on every TV show. Over and over. 

C: creepy W: Weird

It'll get to them. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

What Would MAGA Be Without "Again"?


"Make America Great Again" is a phrase completely dominated and altered by the word "again."

Without that word, it is simply "Make America Great," which is so prosaic and non specific the triad sinks into an oblivion swampland of empty phrases.

But add that word "again," and you are saying something edgy, subversive, nasty even.

"Again" brings you to that imagined world of an idyllic time when things were better, and implies we are now living in a fallen state, expelled from the Garden of Eden, suffering, punished.

We have lost that halcyon time when men were men, women were barefoot in the kitchen, bearing children and America ruled the world in the American century.

Being old now, Mad Dog can actually remember the twentieth century, lived it, in fact, and he wishes to inform you, that was a century we were lucky to escape.

It was a time when white men got points simply for being white, when Black American veterans, returning from Europe where they fought to defeat Hitler, found that, unlike their white fellow vets, they could not get the GI bill mortgage deal, and thus could not buy homes the way their white comrades could. 

It was a time when women could not have their own credit cards, because they had to have permission from their husbands to do so, to have bank accounts, and in fact were mostly owned by their husbands and they got mail addressed to Mrs. John Smith, meaning the letter was for Jane Smith, but she really did not have an identity of her own. 

It was a time of back alley abortions.

It was a time when "sex" was dirty and not spoken of in polite company, when sexual repression was pervasive and girls got pregnant in their teens often because they didn't know any better. 

It was a time when All American boys in Lt. Calley's platoon mowed down women, children and old people in a Vietnamese village and buried some in a ditch, because, after all, they were just gooks, gooks who may have been sympathetic to the Viet Cong, who were fighting to rid Vietnam of American soldiers. 

It was a time when a white gunman shot Martin Luther King to death and when someone, not really clear who, also shot John F. Kennedy to death, and later another psychopath shot his brother.

And, it was a time when Negroes (as they were known then) lit afire major American cities, and Mad Dog, being an idiot, hopped in an open MG sports car with a friend and drove downtown to see the action, and driving along Independence Avenue, Constitution Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue, saw American soldiers holding their M-1 rifles on every street corner, peering suspiciously back at Mad Dog and his White companion, and the image of American soldiers in the streets was somehow shocking, a sort of apocalyptic vision--soldiers in their olive drab uniforms and helmets were what you saw on TV, in other countries, not in America.

The days when America was great was a time when White men had no fear of being "replaced" by colored people, or immigrants. The invasion of dark skinned infestation insane asylum rapists was not happening then--people moving across the Southern border was just business as usual--workers coming in to harvest crops mostly.

It was a time when non college educated ordinary citizens in places like Kent, Ohio, loathed the college students at Kent State University, and sent their sons with their rifles, members of the National Guard to murder college students protesting the War in Vietnam and the bombing of neutral Cambodia. And the President (Nixon) called those students "bums."

It was a time when polluted water in major American lakes and rivers was the norm--so you could not swim or fish in the Potomac and the Cayahoga River near Cleveland literally caught on fire as the oil polluting it combusted.

And there was a place called, ironically, "Love Canal" near Niagara Falls where industry dumped its toxic chemicals so prodigiously, it killed and sickened unsuspecting citizens for miles around. 

It was a time when Negroes trying to attend the University of Alabama were met by the Governor who said, "Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!"

Upstate, New Hampshire, 2012

And during the Freedom Summer a white man and two Negroes trying to register Black voters were murdered in Mississippi and found under a bridge.

It was a time when lynching occurred with such regularity in the South it wasn't even news. It was a time "Easy Rider" brought to life the casual hate and violence endemic in the South.

It was a time of air pollution, before regulatory agencies of the federal government finally brought it under control and the "Chevron deference" allowed the federal government to protect the air, water and soil.

America was great, Mr. Trump and his acolytes would have you know, when White men had all the privilege and power and Black men and women were kept under their thumbs. It was a time Randy Newman's song "Rednecks" depicted, with its refrain, "Keeping the Niggers Down."

Of course, it was also a time you could say the word "nigger," if only to condemn it; you didn't have to say, "The N Word" as if speaking that would somehow cause Black people to fall over from heart attacks.

The 1950's was a world of racial segregation and sexual repression; the 1960's were when people began openly suggesting premarital sex might not cause the collapse of Western Civilization and racial oppression might not be inevitable; the 1970's actually saw a shift toward correction as the arc of history started to bend toward justice, but that brought the Reagan years of reaction in the 1980's and by the 1990's progress in race relations and opportunities was entrenched enough to strike fear in all those feckless White boys in the South who realized they may not be given jobs and houses and social position simply for being white and by the 2000's those same White boys were marching in Charlottesville, Virginia chanting "You Will Not Replace Us."

History Lesson

So that's what the MAGA crowd wants to go back to, "again."