Saturday, August 17, 2024



I know, I know. 

Hillary was pilloried about her "Basket of Deplorables" remark. 

But it did nothing more than consolidate the indignation of people who already felt disrespected; it simply confirmed their suspicions that people like Hillary who went to Wellesley and Yale Law looked down their noses at them, which is true, and rightly so.

But Tim Walz's remark about "they're weird" does not necessarily extend to Trump's supporters and Vance's fans--he was talking about the candidates, not their supporters.

But we all know their fans are every bit as creepy and weird as Trump and Vance. And the thing is, as in the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," what makes them really creepy is they look so normal--until they open their mouths.

That whole wing nut wing of the Republican Party is creepy weird: They obsess over transgenders ogling your daughters in the locker rooms; about imaginary insane asylum escapees flooding over the border and raping untold numbers of white suburban women; about being real super hero tough guy men with heel spurs; about all those babies who are murdered shortly after their mothers give birth in abortion clinics--spoiler alert: doesn't happen.

They also march with torches imitating the Nazi torch light parades in the 1930's Germany; they describe the Trumpist attack on the Capitol as normal tourists just enjoying a day out. 

They watch FOXNEWS. 

They don't have to watch FOXNEWS, but they do. They know what they're going to see as surely as a man going to Porn Hub knows what he's going to see, and they keep doing it.


Certified Creepy Weirdo

The truth hurts.

Look, ma! I'm just like him!

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