Wednesday, January 17, 2018

No, Elizabeth, Trump is Not a Racist

Hear ye, Hear ye: I do not know Donald Trump.

Never met the guy.
Never had beers with him.
Never played baseball with him.
Never even watched his TV show.

So I am willing to take his son's assessment on face value: The man is not a racist. The only color he sees is green.

That fits what I have seen of him.

He's got nothing against Black people or Arabs or Jews. All he cares about is money.
So the main crime, the major offense of all those SHC's is they are filled with poor people and the countries themselves are poor.

In this, he is not far from the core sentiment of the Republican party.

He is not far from Andrew Undershaft, that "hero" of "Major Barbara" who provides an affluent living for his workers, for all the people in the company town he presides over, a town which makes weapons of mass destruction, a town which thrives on killing people from other towns.

He doesn't want to allow poor people into the United States.

In that, he is not too far from the Downton Abbey crowd. They lived in the ultimate walled community, free from interaction with the lower classes, except of course, for the servant class, who they try their best to ignore.

Republicans, Trump included, fit that world view which is best exemplified by the charming, pretty Southern lady I met at a barbecue some years ago who was talking about why she hated the whole idea of welfare, public assistance, public housing, Social Security, anything which established mechanisms for the government to help the poor.  "It's like we always say down home: Don't feed the stray dogs--they'll follow you home."

She was wearing upon her ample, pink bosom a gold cross, simple, elegant, understated.

And she wanted nothing to do with stray dogs.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Maud,
    Good point. You don't have to be the one shouting racial epithets, but if you stand up on the stage and lead the cheers, no matter what your personal inclinations, you have chosen to sail with a pirate crew.
