Sunday, November 11, 2012

Obama Wins: Reaction from the Right

Mad Dog has just returned from a holiday victory tour through New York City and Washington, DC. 
What delights Democrats is, beyond genuinely liking Obama, watching those odious sleaze ball Republicans trying to spin this election.

Karl Rove stayed in form by looking at what the Republicans are most guilty of and attributing that to Democrats: Thus, he says, Democrats won by suppressing the vote,  which is to say, Democrats thwarted the will of the American people, who really loved and preferred Mr. Romney, but Democrats would not allow these real Americans to have what they wanted. 

One thing you can say for Rove, he keeps the most important thing in his sights. Of course, it is Republicans who realize they cannot win if people are simply counted. As Lincoln, a Republican observed, "The Good Lord must have loved the common folk--he made so many of them."  To win, the Republicans have tried poll taxes, restrictions on voting times and days (Florida), reducing the number of polling machines in Democratic strongholds to lengthen lines and waiting times (as Republicans did in the Democratic strong holds in Northern Virginia), all the dirty tricks, to simply deny a voice to the underclass or to urban centers where Democrats live.

Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh got together and decided, actually, even they could not sell that to their audiences, not after that blond bimbo on Fox News asked Karl Rove if he had a different set of math rules than what everyone else uses, a set of rules which is forged by his own desires.  
So what the unholy trinity  is now saying is, yes the people have spoken, but it's the new demographics of our country, all those immigrants the Democrats let in, and you know so many of them wind up on welfare, and so the country has shifted from people with pride, who want to earn their way and work hard to a country comprised of people who don't want to work hard, who want the government to take care of them--Mitt Romney's 47%.  

That 47% remark "resonated" with the true believers of the Republican party. People like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, who work hard, don't you know? They look at people who want to be given hand outs, the welfare Queens who drive Cadillacs and live on welfare, while Ann and Rush and Sean and Glenn slave away in their TV studios eating brown bag lunches they made at home. 

It's more of the Tea Party, Republican, the undeserving poor vs the rich-who-earned-it. 

This is a very old story, of course. When the grimy peasants looked at Marie Antoinette and the king ride by in their sumptuous carriages and asked, "Why do they have so much and we have so little?" The reply was:  Because it is God's will.  God chose those rich to be rich and He wants you to be poor.

Ayn Rand had much the same answer: The Superman is gifted, driven, superior and will naturally rise to the top. 

Nowhere in any of what you hear from Sean, Rush, Ann or Glenn is there any room for a consideration of the details by which certain citizens among us are placed on third base, and given only fat pitches down the middle to hit when they come up to bat. 

So nowhere in the right wing world view are the Romney bank accounts in the Cayman Islands, the myriad of government provided tax breaks, outright grants and contracts which make whatever welfare remains look like pigeon droppings compared to the tsunami of government benefits given those in power, those in the money.

What we got here is trouble in River City, folks, because the good white folks who have, until now, controlled the game, reworked the rules of the game, fixed the game so they would be sure to win, they can't control it any more, at least not this time around. 


  1. For your salacious enjoyment:
    Romney, in real time, losing friends.

  2. There's lot of salacious enjoyment abounding just now. Seems to have usurped all other forms of enjoyment.

    Mad Dog
