Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh, Happy Day!

Mad Dog has spent days preparing for the worst, a vile outcome with dishonesty enshrined.

But America turned out to be better, smarter than that.

At least on one day.

Feels good to be an American tonight.

Goodnight Maud.  Goodnight Mr. President.  Goodnight Patty McKenzie and all those who sailed with you.  Goodnight moon.


  1. Good Morning Mad Dog!!!!Yay!!!!What a most wonderful day!! Greed, lies, selfishness and hypocrisy did not win out and now the President has the opportunity to fulfill his potential for true greatness!! I can now abandon my Plan B-to go and live among the Amish for 4 years in the event of a President Romney--which would have had it's difficulties considering I'm not particularly religious or particularly crafty..Saved!! What a great day!! Loved his speech!!


  2. Maud,

    Thought I would sleep better than I did. Just too wired.
    All this is so irrational--in some ways like being any other kind of fan. But somehow, it gets into your gut, even if it doesn't change your day to day.

    Mad Dog

  3. Mad Dog,
    I know--I am exhausted today,I couldn't really sleep after his speech either--thankfully I don't have any thing on the calendar today that requires I make much sense..Imagine how tired he must be,and he does have a job that requires that he make sense-I'm sure you do to-no rest for the weary!

  4. And we can retire the Redskin Rule and all those other false predictors. Turns out basic hard work and superior organization carried the day. If you listened to David Axelrod you could hear exactly how they had figured out how to win. Turns out the data the Democrats were using was better than the data a data driven candidate (Romney) was using. In the days to come, as the Republicans look back over what happened, that may hurt the most! Democracy in the United States remains an inspirational thing!!

  5. This is a most cogent point: I was unnerved by the Redskin Rule precisely because it is an appeal to apparently random observation in which causation cannot be understood, and that is what we were seeing and listening to in the form of pundits predicting outcomes. I suspect, in the end, 99% of the pundits who pointed to this or that were simply expressing their own wishes for the outcome--and their phoniness is quickly forgotten, e.g. Dick Morris, who had "re analyzed " the polling data which predicted an Obama victory and discerned it was going to be a Romney landslide. So, yes, lesson learned. If it doesn't make sense, it probably isn't true and we should not be unnerved by tea leaves, Tarot cards, horoscopes or voodoo.
    I don't care if the Redskins never win another game.

    Mad Dog

  6. Let's not go that far. Redskin victories can be celebrated for what they are - football games won. Redskin losses are just that - lost football games. Neither has anything to do with who becomes the next President. "Correlation" does not mean "cause and effect".

  7. By the way, Nate Silver may be a total geek but he correctly predicted last night's election results on a state by state basis (and had given Obama a 90% chance of being reelected) prior to the election. This is a guy who knows how to analyze data from polls better than anyone. As a result his book sales are way, way up today. Had you been following him rather than those invalid events you had been hung up on (eg Redskin Rule) and you would have been sleeping a whole lot better at night.

  8. All points well made and taken to heart.
    On the other hand, having been part of the ground game, and having listened to voters for the past three weeks, door by door, I am even more mystified how any of the numbers Mr. Silver or anyone else use can mean anything. As far as I can tell, political science and even surveying is anything but science. I still need to understand the guy who told me the Republicans care more and do more for the middle class. Why do people want to believe what they believe?
    But Mad Dog is happy today, and hopes to curl up on his pod and sleep.

    Mad Dog
