Friday, December 1, 2017

Yale Psychiatrist Diagnoses Trump As Certifiable: Poor, Wimpy Yale

If ever we needed a clue about why Donald Trump has succeeded in capturing and enrapturing his base, we need look no further than the letter to the editor in the New York Times from somebody, Dr. Bandy X.  Lee, who is supposed to be a "forensic psychiatrist" at the Yale School of Medicine. (Yale, highly ranked by U.S. News and World Reports--the definition of fake news if there ever was one. But that's another story.)

"We urge the public and the lawmakers of this country to push for an urgent evaluation of the president, for which we are in the process of developing a separate but independent expert panel, capable of meeting and carrying out all medical standards of care.
The writer is a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine."

So now, we have Dr. Lee and Yale suggesting a solution to our problem with President Dotard: simply put him in the care of "expert panel" of august psychiatrists who can judge his sanity and his worthiness to command.
Oh, Rush Limbaugh will love this one.

If anyone is detached from reality, who do you think is the more likely candidate: Dr. Lee or President Donald Trump?

P.S. I doubled checked: This is not from The Onion. It's from the NY Times


  1. Mad Dog,
    One would hope Dr. Lee is saying this tongue in cheek and merely choosing a more high falutin way of saying what we all know-Trump is as crazy as a bed bug. If this is not the case, then I would agree-the good doctor should be the first evaluated by that austere panel of experts...

  2. Maud,
    It's in the NYT letters. I could detect no trace of tongue or cheek.
    Mad Dog
