Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Something's Not Right With That Boy

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
H. L. Mencken

Today, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, the man who sits in the same building where Abraham Lincoln once sat, tweeted:

Thank you to all of my great supporters, really big progress being made. Other countries wanting to fix crazy trade deals. Economy is ROARING. Supreme Court pick getting GREAT REVIEWS. New Poll says Trump, at over 90%, is the most popular Republican in history of the Party. Wow!

Wow, indeed.

You have to give him credit for his sunny disposition, except of course, when he sucks his thumb and pouts.

But really, when you read that tweet to his supporters, what do they say? Do they not see a problem here?


  1. Mad Dog,
    Apparently Mr. Mencken had the benefit of a crystal ball, since at long last, the White House is indeed "adorned with a downright moron". Not that Trump's base would ever agree with that characterization-they continue to approve of his performance. Proof that not only is there something wrong with that boy-there's something drastically wrong with them folks...Big time wrong...

    The question remains, just how many of "them folks" are there? One would like to think a small enough number that the combined vote of Democrats and Independents will steamroll them in November...Wish I had a crystal ball..or maybe not...

  2. Ms. Maud,
    Mencken also said, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
    Mad Dog
