Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Rand Paul is not a guy I would vote for, but his diagnosis of CNN, PBS, and a host of other networks is manifestly correct. 

He dismisses the whole Trump/Russian collusion story as "Trump Derangement Syndrome," which is motivated by an underlying desire to see Trump driven from office the way Nixon was, by investigations, charges of criminality. So a self important fool like former intelligence chief Brennan says Trump's behavior in Helsinki was "treason" gets big play, Cuomo, Camerota are quoting it, when in fact, Trump isn't smart enough to commit treason if he wanted to.

Of course the Russians wanted to see Trump win, just as a variety of conservative Americans did, and they fomented false stories on social media, just as a whole host of Trumpees did. As Rand says, every nation spies on other nations; every nation tries to influence the outcome of elections in other countries in a way which will benefit their own countries.

No country has tried harder to do this than the United States, in many Asian, South American and African nations, and likely in Europe on occasion.

It's the height of hypocrisy for government officials here to get all sanctimonious about "Russian interference" in American elections, when America has interposed itself in elections and governance in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Brazil, the Philippines, Cuba, Nicaragua, Viet Nam, Chile, Venezuela, Indonesia, and these are only the countries somebody has bothered to write a book or an article about.

Americans in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and the entire Confederacy voted for Trump not because Russia fooled them but because Trump fooled them, or maybe not. Maybe he was just giving them the racist red meat they hungered for.

Watching Chris Cuomo, Alisyn Camerota, Judy Woodruff, Mika Brezynski, Mark Shields carry on about smoking guns and illegal behavior, obstruction of justice because they suffer from the delusion this can be another Watergate leaves Mad Dog frothing.

Trump told you he fired Comey because he could. No such thing as obstruction of justice when he came to Comey. Comey should have been fired for politicizing the FBI and he was.

Trump has done nothing but what he said he would do when he was campaigning.
We want him out. We got to beat him on building the wall, vilifying Hispanic immigrants, killing Obamacare, trying to reverse Roe v Wade with Supreme Court appointments.  If we cannot beat him on the issues, we got no right to be in power.

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