Saturday, November 3, 2018


Jill Lepore supplies two quotes from Republicans of the 1960's:

"How long are we going to abdicate law and favor of the theory that the man who heaves a brick through your window or tossess a fire bomb into your care is simply the misunderstood and underprivileged product of a broken home?"

"Working men and women should not be asked to carry the additional burden of a segment of society capable of caring for itself but which prefers making welfare a way of life, freeloading at the expense of more conscientious citizens."

The first is Gerald Ford, not remembered today as a particular virulent or rabid Republican in the mode of Donald Trump.

The second is Ronald Reagan, saint Ronald, who is not today remembered as a far Right Republican.

But both gave voice, or perhaps shaped the perception that colored underclass men were both dangerous and incorrigible and lazy. 

Reagan loved talking about the "Welfare Queen" of Detroit, a Black woman who drove around town in a big Cadillac, living off welfare checks, raping the system.

When the guy who owned the garage or the HVAC business hears all this, he seethes and fumes and votes Republican.
Obadiah Youngblood, Salt Marshes

The Democrats have never learned to answer this.
Give me just one Democrat who says, 

"Look, if the prisons are 80% Black and Hispanic maybe it's because 80% of crimes are committed by members of that group--or maybe it's because 80% of those coloreds accused are found guilty and not all of them are guilty. 
Sure we need borders. No country can exist or manage itself without borders. Democrats are just as tough on borders as Republicans for good reasons. But this big lie about an invasion by ISIS, terrorists and MS13 is just that, a big lie by a little man who is trying to create a phony crisis so he can coming riding to the rescue and get credit for saving us from a lie."

Just once, I'd like to hear a guy like that, from the Democratic side.

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