Thursday, November 1, 2018

Feel Good Moments

How long ago was it when all those women wearing pink hats rallied and organized massive group hugs?

And where are they now?

There's a scene in "Band of Brothers" where American soldiers liberate a Dutch town and the women in particular, but all the citizens, just go wild with joy and relief and wave flags.

Several nights later the American soldiers, defeated in an ill conceived operation called "Market Garden," stand on a hill at night and watch that same town being bombarded by German artillery and Lou Nixon, one of the soldiers, remarks, "I bet they're not waving all those pretty flags now."

That's how I feel about all those million women who hugged and marched and cheered speeches from Gloria Steinem et al just yesterday, it seems.

Now, with early voting going hot and heavy in Florida, snow birds from the Middle West, the rich folks who live 6 months and day in Florida and vote there, have put the Republicans 100,000 votes ahead already. The artillery is reigning down on the state. 

Bet those women aren't waving their pink knit hats now. 


  1. Why Mad Dog, I think you're assumption that many of those million, marching women wont turn out to vote is quite premature. I remain confident that next Tuesday they'll be doing more than darning new pink hats-they'll be at the polls. Will that be enough to turn the tide blue-not sure-but they will at least have done their part. More than one can say for a great number of white males who'll be dutifully following Dirty Donald...

  2. Maud,

    You are right to say I do not know.
    I would love to see exit polls to see how many women who marched actually voted.
    We will be able to track how many women voted, but we won't know exactly who they voted for, although if women registered as Dems vote in high numbers, it would be safe to assume they are an actual political force.
    Whether younger voters vote will be tell tale as well.

    Reading the NYT letters to Frank Bruni's article today is enlightening. Lot of readers think Trump is going to be hard to beat.

    Mad Dog
