Thursday, December 19, 2019

Amy's reaction to Yang

Clearly, you are not supposed to see some things on TV but during the debate, when Yang managed to bring the house down with some truly funny or adroit responses to some questions the camera angles captured Amy Klobuchar's reactions. 

When asked about what to do for children with disabilities,  he said you have to realize that there is a difference between economic worth and human worth. Commenting on the issue over which donors candidates should pursue, rich or humble, he said this is all about going after people with disposable income, but poor people never enter the discussion because they don't have any. 

And when asked a surprise question about Obama's comment that we'd all be better off if we had more women presidents and senators, Yang remarked he thought that was true because if you put a group of all men in a room without women around, within one hour they all  begin acting like morons--and the camera happened to catch Klobuchar grimacing: Written across her face was the thought, "I'm supposed to be the funny one up here, the one with the best lines, and he's stealing my spotlight."

Ms. Klobuchar clearly, visibly gets irate when she is upstaged.

The candidates are getting better. 


Elizabeth Warren still cannot answer the question put directly to her: she keeps going back to her stump speech as if the audience isn't quite bright enough and she is still teaching a special ed class and if she just keeps repeating we'll finally get it. 

But she was asked why it had to be Medicare for all or nothing and she didn't answer; she just kept extolling Medicare for all, even though the question was, well, what if you don't  have a Congress willing to do that?  

And when asked why she insisted on paying for the college education of the millionaire's son she simply repeated we needed to end all student debt and make state colleges free. She didn't answer that "means testing" question.

Bernie actually answered this for her, saying Americans hate filling out forms and having to prove you are poor enough to qualify for free tuition would be nasty and cumbersome, and some years you may be too rich and some years, if you lost your job, poor enough. He could have noted the great universities of Europe (e.g. the Sorbonne) are free---of course they don't have to support big football programs. 

The debate process is helping, is beginning to reveal more and more about people we think we know, but who we do not know. 

One of the things about Yang and Styer is as good as they look now, on the stage, we all know, on some level, we really do not know them well enough. 

I can almost now understand why some women do not want to sleep with a guy on the first date--they just don't know enough about him, and they might like him for one night but then, after a second date, realize he's a Trump Republican and they just wish they'd never invested the time or effort in such a loser. 


  1. Mad Dog,
    Amy Klobuchar does have an angry edge-not her most endearing quality, but not a deal breaker. At this juncture a Biden-Klobuchar ticket seems the most likely to succeed, but it's still early. Yang's rise from obscurity is impressive, but he remains to much of an unknown to be seriously considered as President.

  2. Maud,

    Biden somehow does not elicit the bitter resentment from the aliened rural set--or maybe we are simply not hearing about it.
    He's just "Joe" and maybe they give him a pass.
    Klobuchar went to Yale, and that makes her the enemy for a lot of the alienated rural types, I suspect, except she's a woman, so they may give her a pass.
    Hard to predict.
    Yang does well on the debate stage but inexplicably, I cannot see him winning. A Democrat cannot win without the Black vote and that eliminates Pete and might well eliminate Yang.
    So much for my punditry, which is not worth the electrons it's printed on.

    Mad Dog
