Wednesday, January 1, 2020

No Swift Boating for the Salty Frog

“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.” – George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775

When John Kerry appeared at the Democratic National Convention, he saluted the audience and said, "John Kerry Reporting for Duty" and the Republicans went right after his super patriot, war hero thing with the infamous swift boat attack ads.

When Eddie Gallagher, the SEAL who was reported by half a dozen fellow SEALS as a war criminal who murdered innocent civilians and a prisoner, he was hailed as a tough guy hero by President Trump, pardoned, and embraced by all the tough guy Republicans, and from his guest suite at Mar a Lago announced his new line of clothes and booze, "Salty Frog."

Why are the Democrats incapable of capitalizing on this?
Why can only Republicans launch a marketing campaign to bring down an opponent?

These are the questions which send Mad Dog into a gloomy funk.


  1. Mad Dog,
    Am having a problem posting so just doing a test...

  2. Problem continues...

  3. Mad Dog,
    Thought I'd solved the problem-but apparently not...the other day I wrote a response to your piece on Scalia that was so breathtakingly brilliant Thomas Paine would have been weeping in envy...biblical..then I hit 'publish' and poof..into the black hole...

  4. Ms. Maud,

    Perhaps my blog has attracted attention from Big Brother.
    Mad Dog

  5. Ms. Maud,
    Still investigating your trouble getting a comment posted.
    I am bereft at the loss of your breathtakingly brilliant response.
    Apparently, all one needs to do to get posted in the comments section on my blogs is to claim expertise in "penis enlargement"--I'm forever deleting these--and I will presume you have not made such claims, however much you may deserve to.

  6. Mad Dog,
    Believe the issue is on my end with new laptop...
