Sunday, February 23, 2020

Inside Donald Trump's Head

Surely, just the thing for  Mar a Lago 

Reading, "The Guns of August" and listening to the Podcast "Revolutions" it has gradually dawned on Mad Dog just exactly what is going on inside the head of Donald J. Trump.
How did he earn those medals?

He is not your classic racist:  He will throw his arm around a gay, a Black, a Hispanic, anyone who will wear a Trump MAGA hat or a T shirt saying, "Trump: The Greatest EVER!"
Whose hat do you like better?

He does not have an ideology. Although he reportedly keeps a copy of "Mein Kampf" by his bedside, it's clearly not the anti Jewish screed which appeals to him: It's the manual for marketing ideas parts he loves.
I don't know. Red might be more fun.

No, what is inside that skull, beneath the comb over and the orange skin is pretty much what was inside the heads of the last real monarchs, the Russian Czar, the king of England and Kaiser Wilhelm.
The sword is a nice touch, don't you think?

The Kaiser changed his uniforms five or six times a day. He loved uniforms and he had all sorts: He was an honorary colonel of a British cavalry regimen and he had the splendid uniform from that regiment.  He loved naval uniforms, infantry uniforms, all sorts of splendid uniforms. And medals! Oh, he had won so many.
These are actually different men, but cousins

Each of these monarchs believed their people adored them. 
And there was evidence it was true: Brits lined up for, literally, miles to walk past the coffin of King Edward in 1910 and they lined the streets to gawk at all the royalty in their splendid uniforms ride by.  They were dazzled by what "The Times" of London called "splendidly mounted princes." 
Nothing beats feathered plumes

Ever since Caesar, autocrats had known the people love "bread and circus." 

Trump loves military parades.
His tea time uniform

The wonder is he has stuck to his navy blue suits. 
If he wins a second term, which is looking increasingly likely, Mad Dog predicts--you heard it here first, he will start wearing uniforms. He'll be changing six times a day, between tweets.

He will be the best dressed President of the United States EVER!

1 comment:

  1. Mad Dog,
    That is exactly the look our dear monarch is after. He does love all the pomp and circumstance- must be out of his mind over in India amidst the cheering throng in the giant cricket stadium. I agree it's a wonder he's stayed with the blue suits for so long. Oh and the mustache is a great touch-maybe he can clip a few strands off the combover and fashion one until something more suitable grows in...All he needs is a crown and a few more medals to complete the makeover...
