Friday, May 31, 2024

Crooked Donald and the Waah Waah Republicans

D onald Trump convicted on all 34 charges.

How's that for a man who could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and never face justice?

But how did they find a group of 12 New Yorkers which did not contain even a single Trump fan?

In this country, that's remarkable.

But, as Mr. Trump informed us just after the verdict, this country is now so poisoned by the millions of terrorists, escapees from insane asylums and rapists who have been pouring across the border every day, we shouldn't be surprised at this jury pool, picked from a demographic where only 6% of the citizens are Trump voters.

How many of these were El Salvadoran insane asylum residents just out of custody at the Southern border, transported by Texas Governor Greg Abbott by bus to New York to sit on that Trump jury? That's what I'd like to know.

And why couldn't we get Paul Gosar on that jury? He should have been foreman of the jury. Then we would have got justice. Mr. Gosar, who opposes contraception, at least for white women, who believes in the 2nd amendment and who knows Biden stole the election from Mr. Trump would have injected a much needed dose of reality into that jury. 

Now, if we had had fair jury, say Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Louie Gomert, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh (who may be gone now but is not forgotten), and any of dozens of other upright citizens we all could name--very different outcome.

But no! What we got is a jury from that city of carnage and depredation, that Sodom of Gomorrah, that low intelligence, sleazy urban den of iniquity, New York City, which Donald Trump gave the best years of his life trying to raise up to a standard of virtue. 

So ungrateful!

So Sad!

But you know, the best thing that ever happened to Adolph Shicklgruber Hitler was that 6 months in prison, where he had time to sit down and think and write "Mein Kampf."  It made him a millionaire and it gave him time to try out his material. Donald Trump has just not had a moment's rest since he took that famous ride down the golden escalator. 

So we should all maybe hope he gets that 4 year sentence from the conflicted judge, who is still prickly about Mr. Trump's giving out the judge's daughter's home phone number and her password to Facebook.

You know Mr. Trump will rise, in the end. He's a man of destiny. The Tempest is coming. Stormfront. Stormy. Daniels. You know, he will make sure nobody replaces us. He'll make America Great Again. 



  1. Mad Dog,
    Of course Donny was framed- but he needs to make the most of it and embrace the marvelous opportunities for growth that time in the slammer can provide. He could, for example, explore his creative side by designing a line of orange jumpsuits, that coupled with the red MAGA hat, is sure to be all the rage among the MAGA set. Then there’s the great chance for him to finally repair his relationship with science. He can go the Birdman of Alcatraz route, but Donny can focus on rodents- or more specifically-rats. Really, the opportunities are endless…One does hope he uses his time wisely, because hopefully there will be even more time in the Big House in his future…

  2. Ah, but if he wins the election, he can pardon himself--although legally that may not be possible, but who cares about laws? And then he can order the Justice Dept to prosecute Mr. Biden, Crooked Hillary and the Judge Merchan on the charge of being bad people, very bad. The Banana Republicans will be in the saddle then. And they won't forget Anthony Fauci, the man who brought Felonious Trump down in the first place.
