There is no one reason which explains why voters turned against Democrats and returned Donald Trump to the White House, and swept Republicans into control in the Senate and the House of Representatives.
But there is one part of the explanation which contains most of the relevant elements, which can stand as a part for the whole: Transgender orthodoxy.
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Male Puberty: Women's Swim Records |
There was something, on a gut, if not on a cerebral cortex level, so wrong with insisting that a person who had gone through male puberty, who still looked male, while wearing a female swimming suit, should be allowed to be seen as a woman, and compete as a woman in Ivy League swimming meets. When that person demolished all the women's swimming records, one had to ask: Why do we have women's sports (as distinguished from men's swimming) at all?
Well, we can see it in the numbers: There are something like 1500 men/boys who run the 800 meters faster than the women's world record.
Testosterone makes a difference.
We have weight classes in boxing and wrestling for a reason. We want to see like competing with like.
Not in every instance: We don't have short people basketball or lightweight football--in some sports we accept unequal size and strength as part of the game.
But when Seth Moulton, a Massachusetts Democrat, said he did not like the idea of his girls being run over by a field hockey player who went through male puberty, he added that saying that cost him standing among Democrats.
It is the very intolerance to opposition, intolerance to an opposing opinion which characterized and still does characterize many if not most of those who support "transgender rights."
When Dr. Paul McHugh, chief of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, suggest that gender dysphoria, which lands most patients at Transgender Clinics, might be more like anorexia nervosa than it is like homosexuality, he was vilified and attacked voraciously--medical students refused to speak to him. There was no objective, disinterested exploration of ideas here: a gospel had been violated. Apostasy had to be crushed.
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Paul McHugh: Heretic |
The same thing happened to any endocrinologist who dared question Transgender medicine. When an endocrinologist attended a session on "Androgen Abuse Syndrome" in which men who look like the incredible hulk demanding ever higher doses of testosterone from Endocrine Clinics, he heard about how these men could be "managed" like anorexia nervosa patients. But when he attended the next session, in the next room, on Transgender Medicine, where the doses of testosterone given transgender patients were three times that requested by the androgen abuse patients, and the endocrinologist asked, "But wait! Isn't this androgen abuse?"
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Absolutely No Gender Dysphoria |
He was admonished. "No, in the case of the transgender patient this testosterone is 'gender affirming' whereas in the case of the body builder it's 'androgen abuse.'"
It wasn't until a famous Scottish pediatrician reviewed practices and records at Transgender Clinics in the UK, and found that a substantial (25%?) number of girls with gender dysphoria, who had been treated with testosterone at at 10 or 11 where no longer taking it by age 17, that the tide began to turn just a little, and questioning Transgender Medicine got some cover.
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Intolerance |
And when even the most ardent Democrats began grumbling about pronouns, about having people begin their talks with the phrase, "I'm Sue Smith and my pronouns are she/her," the tide began to shift further. When loyal readers of the New York Times and the New Yorker found themselves reading about an individual and the paragraph proceeded to describe how they went to town to get a haircut, that grumblings became a groan.
And some said, after the election--if Trump and his reactionaries can expunge pronouns and the sort of orthodoxy which demands "equity/inclusiveness/diversity" then maybe the reactionary purge will have done some good.
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Objectifiying Women |
As Clemenza told Michael before the gangs went to the mattresses: "This sort of thing has to happen, every five, ten years. Clears out the bad blood."
I am happy to see my grandchildren have classmates of all races, but I do not think diversity should be a goal in the classroom. Diversity of opinion should be a goal, but not racial diversity. Race blind I like. Race quotas I do not like. In my son's hoity toity private school, twenty years ago, there were maybe 10 to 15% Black kids, but their parents were neurosurgeons, lawyers, business magnates, and if you closed your eyes and listened, you could not tell the Blacks from the Whites.
And I don't know what "equity" in college classes would mean. Inclusiveness sounds like a good thing, but then why at Cornell are Black students demanding a Black dorm where they can feel safe and comfortable? How is that accomplishing inclusiveness?
So, maybe we'll throw the baby out with the bathwater, but at least we may get some fresh bath water.
Why is Mad Dog scapegoating Transsexuals for all that is wrong and foolish in the Democrat Party ? The list is long, very long indeed.
ReplyDeleteScapegoating transgenders would be to make transgender patients the villains. As I've said, I think transgender patients deserve to be treated with respect and kindly.
DeleteMy complaint is about the transgender clinics and about the inappropriate insistence that in order to respect transgenders we should support the unsupportable.
As Dave Chappelle has said, I support anyone's right to be whatever they want to be but the question is to what extent do I have to participate in your self image?"
I do not think college coeds should have to participate in the self image of a transgender male to female who wants to swim in competition in women's swimming meets. I do not want to change my lifelong use of gendered pronouns to support a transgender patient's self image. That's a bridge too far.
I fully agree with you the list of things which Democrats have done to alienate "Middle America" is long and surely the election of Donald Trump cannot be laid at the door of transgender people.
But the irrational support of every demand for folks who feel compelled to introduce themselves as, "Joan Smith, and my pronouns of she/her" is so vexing, it becomes part of a larger problem.
I guess use anything that diverts from egregious Biden pardon which Mad Dog has not addressed
ReplyDeleteOh, far from diversion from President Biden's pardon, I celebrate that pardon! I think it was a wonderful act of stick it in your eye.
ReplyDeleteIt is the what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Trump is sticking it in the eye of every department with the appointment of people dedicated to destroying the very departments they are to head.
He is all about destruction and over turning precedent and decorum and the usual way of doing things.
Now President Biden says, "Oh, you pardon Roger Stone and Joe Arapaio, to mention just two of scores of pardoned miscreants? You don't respect law and enable people who break laws. Well, great, I'll play that game!
I am hoping President Biden will have hundreds more on his list of pardons.
I would love to see him issue a blank check pardon to anyone Trump goes after in revenge, a sort of worm hole pardon into the future.
Biden, who I thought was demented when I saw him at close in New Hampshire in 2020, turned out to be the best President since FDR, with the possible exception of Barak Obama.
He inherited a collapsing economy, on the brink of the next Great Depression and a country reeling from a pandemic and a world where European allies had lost faith in American support and he passed the most daring and successful legislation, rescued the economy, skirted a recession, all without disabling inflation, which came quickly under control.
Of course, he--or more accurately, his chosen successor-- was voted out, apparently, over the price of eggs, or something.
Who knows why Democrats were voted out?
The real wonder is they were voted in: Really, when did anyone expect Democrats to win Georgia, or for that matter Arizona or Nevada?
I don't know this country.
But I do know I don't need to wait to read history books to know Biden, demented or not turned out to be one of the most effective Presidents in my lifetime.
Maybe there's a message in there.
Thank you Mad Dog for openly admitting you "don't know this country." I presume you lived here your life. Most elites don't know and don't want to know America so that admission is understandable. On medicine, you claimed you know, you indicated that anyone that questions the link between gain of function and NIH and Wuhan and COVID is engaged in conspiracy thinking. That seems very condescending and blithely ignorant. Well maybe you should know and read Fauci's NIH emails that were forced open by FOIAs. (I see you praised the Hunter Biden pardon- I imagine then you also will urge the President to preemptively pardon Fauci as is now the rumor for the next pardon) I will place a small section here to enlighten you and your readers:
ReplyDeleteFauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAIO) [E)
Sat, 1 Feb 2020 12:29:01 +0000
Auchincloss, Hugh (NIH/NIAID) [C]
(b)(6) -----------
Attachments: Barie, Shi et al - Nature medicine - SARS Gain of function.pdf
It is essential that we speak th is AM. Keep your cell phone on. I have a conference call at
7:45 AM with Azar. It likely will be over at 8:45 AM. Read this paper as well as the e-mail that
I will forward to you now. You will have tasks today that must be done.
From : Auchinclos s, Hugh (NlH/N IAJD) [E]...__ ______ (b~<..,.
Sent : Saturday, Febrnary 1, 2020 11:47 -A-M-- -~~ To: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID) [E] (b)( >
Subject: Continued
The paper you sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain of function pause but have since been
reviewed and approved by NIH. Not sure what that means since Emily is sure that no Coronavirus work has gone
through the P3 framework. She will try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad.
If it is condescending to point out you have no real idea of what "gain of function" means and to provide you will a couple of examples of what people who really do know about the arcana of virology say, then so be it: I'm condescending to people who can only invite condescension.
ReplyDeleteYou miss the essential points that:
1/ Even if the Wuhan lab engaged in "gain of function" work that doesn't mean that resulted in a leak of the COVID virus which brought the world to its knees
2/ Nobody will ever know whether the virus came out of a lab or, far more likely, leaked from a natural source (bats to pangolins) as has happened most often before. But it does not matter. The big question is: So What? So what if the virus came from a lab? What do you do with that information?
Do you shut down all virology labs?
Do you shut down Ft. Dietrich?
Or do you Marjorie Taylor Greene it up and start talking about grand conspiracies with viruses and space lasers that seek out only White Christians? Or was it White virgin Christian females? I forget.
I don't have to read Dr. Fauci's emails. I have better sources of knowing his thinking, among them his comments on TWiV, not to mention his testimony before Congress. And, yes, I'd love to see President Biden issue Dr. Fauci a complete pardon like the one he gave Hunter. Tony Fauci held this country together during the pandemic while Trump bumbled and bloviated and blithered.
And yes, I admit, I do not know this country. I thought the country was the one which elected President Obama twice, which had moved past demonizing dark skinned people as an infestation had disappeared. Apparently, it was just hiding in the ash heap, ready to arise again.
Given that one of the largest shifts in support to Donald Trump in this last election came from the African American and Latino communities your observation seems to NOT be based on logic but rather just leftist posturing.
ReplyDeleteYes, you're right, as the data emerges those groups which were assumed to be offended by Mr. Trump voted for him.
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised, as I talk with folks in the categories that shifted to him on a daily basis, and while I did not understand their reasons for supporting him, they clearly did support him.
The thing about a democracy is, if it is free and fair, as I believe this election was, the people have spoken, even if guys like me cannot understand the reasons for their statement, the statement itself is clear enough.
Which statement I made is based on leftist posturing, I'm not clear, but the fact is, President Trump is the people's choice, at least for now.
I'll have to live with that.
We'll see what delights or mischief that will bring.