Reading Mein Kampf is not easy reading. It is repetitious, self absorbed, petty and something of a slog, but along the way you realize a few things about Hitler: he is a man who has thought about his life and his experiences and how they shaped him, and he has some genuine insights buried among all the obvious pathology.
One insight is that it is easier to sell The Big Lie than little ones.
He notes that all of us tell little lies every day, from idle comments like, "You look lovely today," to other innocent white lies. But most people faced with a big lie, like we lost the war because the Jews stabbed us in the back, is believable because most people think you would not dare to lie so infamously, so it must be true. And it is often hard to marshal counter arguments to big things.
So it is when Dr. Paul Offit exposes the Big Lies Robert Kennedy tells--that polio vaccine has killed more people than it has saved by causing soft tissue tumors or the Big Lie that germ theory saying specific bacteria or viruses cause specific diseases is wrong.
Where do you even begin with that?
In his op ed in the New York Times, Offit patiently marches through the specific things RFK JR has said which are simply put, dead wrong: the COVID vaccine is the "deadliest vaccine ever made"; that pasteurization of foods, milk is harmful rather than life saving, “The ubiquity of pasteurization and vaccination are only two of the many indicators of the domineering ascendancy of germ theory as the cornerstone of contemporary public policy;" that AIDS was not caused by HIV but by drug use "was most likely caused by recreational drugs like poppers and the antiviral drug AZT." that the drug used to treat HIV, AZT was "mass murder."
A cynic knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing, Oscar Wilde observed, and RFK taps into the large and deep well of cynicism in the American public. RFK JR knows that by going after the strongest part of the "elite establishment," doctors and medical science, he has the best chance of defeating the establishment.
Trump knows that, too.
If you allow any segment of American society to be trusted, respected by the general public that segment, should it turn on you, criticize you or correct you, poses the only threat to your power.
That is why when Tony Fauci heard Trump say you can cure COVID with intravenous bleach and Fauci hit his own forehead, and shook his head in silent disavowal, that was more damaging to Trump than a hundred CNN and MSNBC journalists singing in unison. Rachel Maddow, Paul Krugman, even Bernie Sanders were never a threat to Trump, but Dr. Fauci was.
And that's why he and his family got death threats.
People trusted Fauci, and they ultimately trusted him more than they trusted Trump, or at least Fauci gave them pause.
Which is why he had to be attacked as the man who gave China the money to develop the SARS-COVID19 virus in that lab in Wuhan with all the talk of "furin cleavage sites" and "gain of function" stuff came from.
But those were the little lies and could be easily debunked. The Big Lie is that China developed the virus to attack the West and bring Western economies to their knees. That particular lie was a little hard to sell when it was revealed that China suffered as much or more from the pandemic, although that could be dismissed as China bungling. There are still Congressmen who vow to get to the bottom of the origins of COVID 19.
As Offit, and many others have said, "Good luck with that."
Not that it really matters if China did develop the virus as a weapon and it simply got out of hand. What would we do with that information?
In medicine there's an old adage: don't do a diagnostic test if there is no therapeutic implication. Even if China was the nefarious villain in COVID, what is the therapeutic implication? That we stop studying virus? That we stop trying to monitor viruses in the real world, that we stop trying to see where viruses are leaking from bats to pangolins and hogs? That we stop making vaccines? Or, if we believe in the Chinese lab, you can say it was US NIH money that funded it.
The Chinese don't need our money. The piddling grant from the NIH did not support the Wuhan lab which is enormous and gets enormous support from the Chinese government.
And, in fact, the Chinese scientist, Zhang Yongzhen, who released the genome of the COVID 19 virus early on, was the man with the best chance of allowing test kits to be made nearly instantaneously, and gave labs around the world a jump on developing a vaccine.
True, in the finest bureaucratic version that scientist got his wrist slapped by the bureaucrats in the Chinese government, but he was a scientist first, and he behaved like one--and he's still working. And he collaborates with scientists around the world, including Dr. Barney Graham at the NIH who was part of the team which got the COVID vaccine done.
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Dr. Zhang Yongzhen |
One thing which happened in New Hampshire during the height of the pandemic is the National Guard, those twenty something kids in their camo uniforms, lined up at parking lots, and long streams of people in their cars drove by and got vaccinated.
Government in action to protect you.
That was the best argument against the Big Lie. You could pound back your beers in your basement and growl about the elites and the establishment and cleaning out the swamps, but were you really going to sit home and not get vaccinated?
Some did, but the vast majority voted with their feet and their bare arms, saying, no, well, actually I'll take the vaccine.
When push came to shove most of those cynics who take such glee in giving the finger to those elites who want to control the little guy still know that you don't want a deadly virus, intubation on a respirator, withered limbs, dead children and they embrace germ theory.
Below was CBS News reporting in 2009 not QAnon; not RFK. For me, I trust Offit, MD when it comes to science. In fact, perhaps Mad Dog, Offit should be trusted more than CBS, New York Times, or the rest of the Fake News Media that you seem to reflexively defend thinking the liberal elite establishment is the defender of real science.
Oh, that dreaded "liberal elite establishment"!
ReplyDeleteTHEY are just so...
Mad Dog,
ReplyDeleteOne might call RFK Jr and Paul Offit the Goofus and Gallant of public health. As Dr Offit points out-he and the rest of the researchers who approve and disapprove vaccines are skeptics by necessity- Kennedy is not that. His spreading of lies and crazy talk is a far cry from skepticism. When Offit calls him a cynic he’s being kind- I can think of other terms that more closely fit Mr Kennedy. The fact that Kennedy is being considered for the most important position in public health is an unconscionable insult to the medical personnel and researchers who have dedicated their lives to meaningful advances in medicine. Kennedy is not a serious man, but having him at the helm of the public health system would be a serious situation. Unfortunately, as David Brooks argues in today’s NYTimes- we’re no longer a serious nation….
Cannot disagree with anything you say. Doctors, it turns out, are very accustomed to people who know nothing or next to nothing disagreeing with them, offering some cockamamie alternative theory of what makes things tick and go wrong. I do like the Goofus and Gallant appellation. Works well in this case.