Thursday, October 11, 2012

Joe Biden and Political Debates: Wishful Thinking

Here's the line I'd like to see Joe Biden sling tonight:

"You know, you Republicans ought to just pick one lie and just stick with it. It would make it easier to talk with you. Like, 'Turning Medicare into Coupon Care is saving Medicare, not destroying it.' At least then we could have a conversation."


  1. Well Mad Dog, what did you think? They didn't use your line but the differences between the parties seemed pretty clear.

  2. Biden is not a young 60 something. He trails off his lines and doesn't finish them, but he was as good as he needed to be. He could have been way better, but he was just good enough. Martha was not good enough. Nobody said, "Mr. Ryan, you have evaded the question. You have not told us what you would do now which would be different in Syria. All you have said is you disapprove of what Mr. Obama did. You have not told us what you would do in Afghanistan going forward." And so on. But, overall, better. Now let's see what Obama can do Tuesday.

    Mad Dog
