Saturday, September 28, 2024

Danielle Pletka: Neurons Misfiring


Never heard of Danielle Pletka until she appeared in David Brooks's spot on the News Hour segment with Jonathan Capeheart.

No doubt conservatives and Republicans (two different things now) have been annoyed by the fact Brooks has transformed from a conservative voice to an anti-Trumper, so the pro and con aspect of having the ying and the yang on a segment meant to discuss the week's events has been lost. Brooks so despises Trump and all those who sail with him, he can barely bring himself around to voicing opposition the Capeheart's relentless attacks.

So enter Danielle Pletka who when asked about Kamala Harris's visit to the southern border voices the FOXNEWS response: "Where's Kamala been the past three years when she was supposed to be the immigration czar who fixed the border crisis?"

Of course, there never was such a czar and no one person, no group of administration cabinet officers and all the angels of Heaven with trumpets who could solve the "border crisis" (a term suggesting this tidal flow from poor to rich nations is something new and different.) Only Congress, the people's elected representatives can do this and when the most conservative Republicans put together a bill increasing border surveillance and some pretty draconian measures, the Democrats agreed and a new law was on its way to take at least a first step--but then Donald Trump called up Congressional Republicans and told them not to fix the problem he intended to ride into the White House, and like the sheep/lemming chimeras they are, Congressional Republicans caved and withdrew the bill.

"Don't fix this problem!" Donald Trump cried. "I need this problem!"

Where would Donald Trump be without pet eating immigrants?

Then Ms. Pletka threw in the assertion that the bill was killed because it would have weakened Presidential powers to intervene and assert a greater (and proper) role for Congressional oversight. (How many Congressmen would vote for children to be separated from their parents and imprisoned?)

Capeheart was not given a chance to say any of this.

Then we got Ms. Pletka's take on Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to the factory in Pennsylvania where weapons are manufactured and sent to Ukraine. Ms. Pletka was in high dudgeon about how this was turned into a political show in which Mr. Zelensky was manipulated. 

And she railed with righteous (Right-eous?) indignation that Kamala and Biden have been a dollar short and day late in aiding Ukraine, and unwilling to allow Ukraine to fire missiles at Moscow or elsewhere into Russia throughout the war. 

For months, if not years, the Right (J.D. Vance in the lead) have been saying Ukraine should not get a dime from the United States, that Ukraine isn't worth wasting U.S. Treasure on (unlike Afghanistan). Now the Right is all on board in defending Ukraine's right to exist and all over the Democrats for not doing more to save Ukraine in the face of Russian onslaught!

Of course, 

Wait! Are we talking about the same Mr. Zelensky who Donald Trump hauled into the White House and said, "Look I might help you, but you have to do me a personal favor first" ? The Don Donald Trump, "Help me get Hunter Biden, and then we'll talk about your problem with Russia."

Not to mention the many times Trump asserted,Oh well, if I'd been President Putin would never had dared! There would have been no war in Ukraine, no Hamas attack on Israel, and North Korea would have asked to become the 51st state in the US and China would have to pay for all our imports and Mexico would pay for the Wall. (If they haven't already.) 

And, of course, Trump noted that he wanted nothing to do with that NATO wall against Russia because NATO was a bunch of deadbeats who didn't pay enough for their own national defense, and if Putin wanted to overrun that  crowd, he should do whatever he wants because those NATO welshers deserved it for not spending enough money.

It's all about the money for the Donald, and for Ms. Pletka.

If Zelensky had just bought some of Donald's bitcoins, all would be forgiven.

So suddenly, the American Enterprise Institute, which pays Ms. Pletka's salary, is all in for Ukraine. Fire away Volodymyr! No matter if Russia responds, as Putin has threatened, with "tactical nuclear weapons" against Poland, Finland and Germany. 

President Biden said some time ago he wants to help Ukraine defeat Russia, but not at the cost of starting World War III. Seemed like a reasonable stance for an American President to take.

But that's just a day late and dollar short for Ms. Pletka and the American Enterprise Institute, who are a bit more than a day late with their own indignant support for poor, suffering Ukraine.

I'm sure Mr. Trump will find a place for her in his cabinet, along with one for Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani , Ivanka, Jared Kushner, Mike the Pillow Guy, Hulk Hogan, that guy who sings "Proud To Be An American," Steve Miller, the entire FOXNEWS team on their white leather couches and anyone who buys his new silver coins for the bargain price of $100 a pop. 

Because, in the end, it's all about the money, isn't it? 

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