Sunday, September 29, 2024



Not for the first time, Doonesbury comes to the rescue. 

Mad Dog has been trying to persuade his local Democrats it is not just okay, but mandatory to throw some punches in this campaign, especially as regards Mr. Trump.

Oh, Melania, You've Been Replaced

Here in New Hampshire, folks are very reluctant to put up signs calling Trump Weird or Creepy or Senile. Stick with the positive message. But don't stray into the negative. 

Of course, that's only Democrats saying that. Republicans have imposed no such shackles on themselves:

All this Democratic positivity is actually self destructive: Kamala Harris dug herself into a hole in the first debate when she launched into a Hillary Clinton Redux with a pre-canned story about her middle class affinities in answering a straightforward question about whether or not we are better off now, economically, than we were 4 years ago. 

She could have said, "Of course, it depends whose economy you are talking about--billionaires are always better off than they were 4 years ago. And actually, all of us are because we were handed an economy on the brink of a Great Depression by Trump. Sure inflation was low. Gas was $2 a gallon, but you had no place to drive because all the businesses were closed."

But no, she missed that opportunity to throw a punch.

It was only when she went on the offensive, and attacked Trump on outlawing abortion, on the size of his rallies, on how autocrats world-wide laugh at him that she steam rolled him into a blithering befuddlement and won the debate.

click to view

Hopefully, Tim Waltz will take to the offense in the first round this coming Tuesday and brand Trump/Vance/Laura Loomer ("Looney Loomer?") as weirdos who think only citizens who produce children are real Americans, who insist immigrants in Ohio are eating pets, who think the 9/11 attack was an inside job and the Holocaust never happened, and Donald Trump did not lose the election by a whisker but won in a landslide. [Not to mention, of course, those Jewish Space Lasers, which start fires in the Mountain West--an oldie but goodie from Marjorie Taylor Greene.] It's difficult keeping the weird separate, and remembering which one of the loonies said what--it all comes spewing out so fast.

But in Donald's case, his fascination with the late great Hannibal Lecter, with those horrible windmills as causing cancer and a bird Holocaust (as if cats do not kill more birds than windmills, but then again, with all those aliens eating cats, maybe that trend will be reversed), with choosing the electric chair over sharks, if you are ever presented with that choice. 

This should be the theme. When Barry Goldwater proposed using nuclear weapons to win the war in Vietnam, it wasn't the only thing he said, but it was the only thing we ever heard about him from the Democrats, who seized on a simple idea--he's a Dr. Strangelove--and Democrats won with that.

Democrats should seize on "weird" or "weird and creepy" with all their hearts and drive home that point, over and over until everyone knows just one thing about the Donald: He's weird.

Well, Laura, where's your GQ photoshoot?

He lusts after his daughter, or, when she's not around, Laura Loomer.

Apple of Daddy's Eye

Weird. Creepy, maybe a little senile, but basically weird.

Trump Steaks

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