Saturday, September 28, 2024

Stop the Presses! Trump Calls Kamala Mentally Deficient!!!

One does wonder now and again about the mental deficiencies which may be present among the editors at the New York Times, given the selection of articles they choose to publish.

Most recently was this shocker: 

 [Trump] told supporters at a rally in Prairie du Chien, Wis., that “Joe Biden became mentally impaired; Kamala was born that way.”

Mr. Trump then tied Ms. Harris to the Biden administration’s border policies, adding, “And if you think about it, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country.”

Now that ranks right up there with the sun rose in the East this morning for newsworthiness.

I mean, Trump does not talk about whether we should raise the taxable amount for millionaires paying into Social Security, or whether the country should be preparing for the next pandemic, or whether vaccines are a good idea. He calls his rivals horrible people, stupid, immoral or weak. That is the scope of his intellectual range.

And the New York Times treats each new insult as front page news.


The one aspect of this which is interesting is that here in New Hampshire, we do not, ordinarily, post lawn signs with political statements, certainly no signs with criticism of opposing candidates. Our lawn signs simply give the name of candidates we like. 

But, given the opponent we now face, would it not be appropriate to throw a punch every once in a while?

Here is one sign Mag Dog likes.

He would like to see it crop up along roadways, intersections, all the spots Trump Magat's have chosen for their signs.

But this is New Hampshire. Only Republicans throw punches here.

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