Sunday, October 13, 2024

It's Them or Us


There are many possible scenarios which may play out on or about November 5th. 

Several of them would put Donald Trump back in the White House.

Fewer would put  Kamala Harris there.

Gods Taking Sides

There have been times in history when concerted dark forces amalgamated to sweep everything before them. Once, Germany chose to follow a man who found a simple solution to the bewildering array of problems with unemployment, currency collapse, hyperinflation by discovering the Jews were behind it all, along with the Communists, who were mostly Jewish anyway, and he was able to ally himself with Italy to protect his Southern front, a pastiche of neighbors--parts of Czechoslovakia, and Romania and Hungary and if he had only been able to seduce more Americans, his plan would never have failed.

To be sure, there were many reasons to believe the Americans would favor Germany over Britain and its allies: Americans were every bit as racist as Germany--they just chose a different group to vilify. But Henry Ford, Father Coughlin and a host of others including the American Bund, who held huge rallies at Madison Square Garden were all Hitler fans.

As it turned out, though, more Americans drifted toward democracy than dictatorship/monarchy and ultimately the forces of darkness succumbed to the forces of light and progress, which is to say, science and the all men are created equal thing. 

Now, we have the guy who cunningly chose a less definable scapegoat, a "they" who he sees sweeping across our Southern border from "shithole countries," rapists, insane asylum escapees, drug cartel gang members, Haitians who will eat your pet, dark skinned men who want to rape your wife and daughter, if your wife and daughter are White. 

And his party is also against people who insist on telling you their pronouns, who want to not just choose a different sex for themselves, but who want to seize your children at school and change their sex, or make them gay--you decide which is worse--and they control the weather, and start fires with space lasers, and none of that seems at all outlandish, because, you know, you heard it on TV.

And so, if there are more people who want to believe all that than there are who do not want to go back to the days when women could not have credit  cards unless their husbands allowed it, to the days when restaurants, hotels and swimming pools were racially segregated, to the good ol' days, when anti lynching laws could not be passed in Congress, well then, we'll go where the American people, in their wisdom want to go.

Oh, We'll Be Back


  1. Mad Dog,
    The wisdom of the American people had better lead us to a Harris victory. If not, my infinite wisdom will be leading me to the Aran Islands, where I will spend the next four years learning to shear sheep and knit hearty sweaters.

    If polls are to be believed, there are a lot more men than women longing for the good ole days when women were mainly in the home and not vying for the Oval Office. Let’s hope the majority of women truly embrace the Harris slogan that “we’re not going back”….
