Sunday, March 2, 2025

Mad Dog Is Not Alone On Saturday Night


Did you ever have that moment of self doubt, when you wondered, "Is it me? Maybe I'm just not seeing reality. Maybe I'm missing something here."

And then, you see someone else say just what you were thinking? It may be that "consensual validation" thing.

So, for a little over 24 hours after Friday's ambush at the Oval Office, Mad Dog wondered what he saw was real, or some Saturday Night Live skit foisted on him along with an unwitting public.

But no, the real Saturday Night Live skit came the next night, and it confirmed to Mad Dog, he is not living in an alternate universe.

Oh, what a relief it is.

And, oh, by the way, Mad Dog just caught a glimpse of some Puffy White Guy (PWG) asking President Zelensky why he doesn't wear a suit and then asks if President Zelensky even owns a suit. To which Zelensky has the presence of mind to reply calmly, "Maybe after the war is over, I will wear a suit. Maybe better than yours. Maybe cheaper."

Which is to say, yes, my clothes are a statement about my own perception of where I am right now: in a battle for my life, in a battle for my country's life. Superman, Batman and Spiderman do not where suits when battling evil; they wear their battle fatigues, their olive drabs. The PWG cannot understand that, never having been on the front lines. In fact, as far as Mad Dog can tell, this particular PWG (Brian Glenn) has never even owned a uniform, combat or otherwise, never fought a war, never had a bullet fired at him in anger, not even from an assassin. His patriotism is the cheap type, trying to take cheap shots from the safety of the Oval Office, behind the couch. A frat boy with small balls.


  1. I guess Mad Dog was in full throttle support of then President Reagan when he called the USSR the evil empire and threatened them with nuclear war. I DOUBT IT!! if anyone wants to ascertain the sheer galling hypocrisy of leftists like Mad Dog just ask them if they were marching in 1982 for a nuclear freeze or urging confrontation with the USSR. Leftists only embrace Zelensky because it is the opposite of Trump's sane position-- to end a costly war both in billions of dollars and thousands of lives all with the risk nuclear confrontation. At least, I know that I stood against Reagan back then and my position on detente has not changed.

  2. No, actually, leftists, and pro democracy folks embrace Ukraine because Ukraine is a democracy and it's totalitarian neighbor invaded and raped the country. It's a sort of right or wrong thing.

    Trump's position is definitely sane, if you define sane as accepting the world is ruled by might not right and the big thugs can do whatever they want.
    Until, that is, some folks decide to fight back.

  3. Technically Ukraine is a democracy under martial law.

  4. Even under martial law, it is a democracy which is not what Russia is. Ukraine was invaded. Ukraine did not start this war. Putin is a dictator. Zelensky is, as far as can be discerned, popular and elected.
    You can try to rationalize that somehow there is a moral case for capitulation, but the fact is this is all about whether a dictator ought to be allowed to have his way because he has the stronger military. Might makes right. Grab the pussy if you can and there is nobody to stop you.
    You can argue expediency.
    You can argue resistance is futile.
    You cannot argue letting Russia win is the right thing to do morally.
    You can argue there is no moral superiority of the gazelle over the lion, but you cannot argue there is no moral superiority of Zelensky over Putin.
    --Mad Dog
