Thursday, March 6, 2025

Of Transgender Mice and Men


Oh! Those transgender mice.

President Trump lambasted our woke National Institutes of Health and the rest of the woke government for spending $8 million on "TRANSGENDER MICE!"

Can you imagine!?!

And behind him on the stage, were J.D. Vance (over his right shoulder) and Speaker Johnson (left shoulder), tut-tutting and smirking and shaking their heads in wonder at just how clueless and radical those Democratic medical researchers must be.  Let's get DOGE all over that transgender mice program!

Democrats are not content with grabbing your little Jimmy when he goes to school a happy beautiful little boy and doing a sex change operation on him so he comes home a girl--now they are after the mice! And they are spending millions on these mice.

And the transgender mouse program has exploded because those illegal Haitian immigrants have eaten all the cats!

Oh, wait!  

Actually, those were "transGENIC" mice not "transgender" mice. And memo to the President: those are two very different things, not at all the same, mice of a different stripe, you might say.

Transgenic mice, which are mice bred in the laboratory with specific genes are useful in cancer research--in a lot of different types of research--especially if you want to know whether a particular tumor which harbors a particular type of genetic mutation driving its growth might be susceptible to a particular drug. These are not mice with gender dysphoria, who have complained about feeling like a Minnie Mouse when, in fact, they were born as Mickey Mice.

So, $8 million spent on cancer research for a group of diseases which cost America billions and untold suffering may not be such a bad idea.

What Me Worry?

Does the White House not have any employees who check out these stories before they get stuffed into President Trump's speeches? Wait, no. They've fired the "fact checkers" in the government. Who  needs to check facts in Trump World?

The fact is, someone very well may have seen that line in the President's speech and tried to warn him not to say that, but the President does not care about whether something is actually true. What he cares about is whether it can get a laugh. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. I don't care whether there is a transgender mouse; I care whether we can talk about transgender mice. 

And, of speaking of bad ideas, when RFK JR shrugs off the deadly measles outbreak which started in Texas and has spread as far east as Florida, and when he says, "Oh, well, we get those measles outbreaks, you know, now and then."

Under Secretary for Vaccines, Dept HHS

Well, actually not. 

There have been measles outbreaks in cult communities, like the outbreak among unvaccinated Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn in 2018, but the only outbreaks we have seen in the US have been among the unvaccinated cults. Vaccines virtually eliminated measles outbreaks in this country, well, Until Now. 

So Bobby Brainworm has struck again. 


  1. Pleased to inform you Mad Dog that CNN had to regrettably acknowledge its own egregious error. They falsely fact checked Trump on this issue and retracted their error. We all know that leftists are excessively prone to get their facts wrong in their obdurate desire to find fault with President Trump.

    See: "CNN’s initial fact check Wednesday morning focused narrowly on three NIH studies. One focused on a $299,940 grant from the National Cancer Institute seeking “to compare breast cancer rates among female mice and those receiving testosterone therapy.” Two others from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases totaling $455,120 focused on how “an HIV vaccine worked in mice that had received cross-sex hormone therapy.”

    The outlet later updated its page, changing “Trump falsely claimed” to “This claim needs context.” The outlet also explicitly acknowledged its earlier error, writing “An earlier version of this item incorrectly characterized as false Trump’s claim about federal money being spent for ‘making mice transgender.'"

  2. Mad dog if I understand this column correctly you support democrats efforts when it comes to transgender mice but not transgender humans? Do I have that right?

  3. Uh, no...there are no transgender mice, so I could not possibly support efforts concerning transgender mice.
    Again, this tiresome tactic "what about" is uncool.
    This post has nothing to do with CNN and whatever errors CNN may have made about three NIH studies--
    Giving mice testosterone does not make them transgender mice.
    Testosterone has been considered in breast cancer therapy dating back 50 years and any ongoing investigations about hormonal therapy involving testosterone does not create out of thin air--transgender mice and more than giving women with breast cancer in the 1970's made those women transgender.
    What you are doing here is refusing to face a very real characteristic of your hero, Mr. Trump, to simply dream up absurdities, and to then attack them as if they were true in hopes of making his opponents look crazy for espousing absurdities.
    This is not even a new tactic: Ronald Reagan made it famous in the 1980's, by creating THE WELFARE QUEEN who somehow purchased a Cadillac and lived in a mansion on welfare payments.
    The other shabby technique here is to trot of a number "$455,120" to suggest you actually know what you are talking about, a detail with no difference.
    Then there is that "cross-sex hormone therapy" as if that meant, AHA!: we really are talking about transgender mice. But, sadly, once again, a little knowledge is not real knowledge but only misinformation. "Cross-sex therapy" is not even a thing and surely never has been written into any grant proposal for NIH funding, not to mention actually granted any funds. Testosterone or androgen therapy given to transgenic-bred-to-develop-breast-cancer mice may have happened. But that is not $8 million to create transgender mice.
    This riff by Mr. Trump is a classic example of myth spinning for political effect, just the same as Hitler's famous Jews stabbed us in the back and lost the war, on down to the welfare queen.
    Almost as bad is a lame defense dressing itself up with a number and a few quotes to suggest the error of what Mr. Trump said was CNN's fault. All Mr. Trump did was to grab what he saw on CNN and run with it.
    The thing is, the real complaint is that Mr. Trump never bothered to check on what the real story was, because he was so delighted to have this wonderful story with which to amuse his brain dead audience in the Republican section of Congress.
    It's one thing to worship an orange idiot--anyone can choose his own idols-- but it's another to actually depart planet earth to try to dream up a defense of The Great Pumpkin.
    In the "too little information" lesson: Abraham Lincoln has been attacked because he signed an order for the deaths of 38 Indians in Minnesota after an uprising there, thereby authorizing the largest mass execution in American history. So he was excoriated as a racist by revisionist historians in the 20th century. What they failed to learn before making their accusation was Mr. Lincoln had been presented with a Sophie's choice: State authorities in MN said they were going to hang 800 Indians, and Lincoln persuaded them to allow him to pass judgment and he reviewed 800 files in the White House, selected out the 38 for whom he thought there might be significant evidence--he was a lawyer, after all--and so by killing 38 he managed to spare 762 lives.
    So that is a little parable about the perils of not seeking more information, but simply rushing in with the information you want.
    No, you were better off when you attacked the idea of a domino effect of Russia attacking its Western neighbors once it got Ukraine--historical analogies are far better targets.
    But trying to distract from what we can all plainly see on TV for ourselves with a smoke screen about how this is not Mr. Trump's fault, but the fault of CNN and the liberal media is nigh on to pathetic, if not unhinged.
    --Mad Dog
