Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Yo! Where's Your Suit?


Stephen Colbert suggested that Volodymyr Zelensky might have replied to Brian Glenn's taunt, "Don't you own a suit?"  by saying "Oh, like your suit? Where did you buy it? Do they have a Men's Department in that store?"

Actually, Mr. Zelensky's riposte was not at all bad: "Maybe, when the war is over I will buy a suit like yours. Maybe a better suit."

Ralph Lauren:  Eat Your Heart Out!

This has become something of an on line sport: What would you have tossed back at Mr. Glenn?

Adrienne! Where's My Suit?

To People appearing in court in orange jump suits: Where is your suit?

To Supreme Court Justices in black robes: Where's your suit?

To Rocky Balboa, outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art, dancing around in his sweat pants: Where's your suit?

Puffy Pink Guy: Wimp Pride

You could not come to dinner at Downton Abbey in a tuxedo with a black tie--so de`classe`! You need white tie for dinner.

The Phantom has decried, on his blog, "The Phantom Speaks," the dressing down of American society, where people line up to board an airplane in what looks like pajamas for a sleep over party, but the idea of a war time leader having to "show respect" by dressing up in a suit was simply so frat boy it was hard to process.

Wimps Gang Up On a Real Tough Guy

President Zelensky has been living with the threat of imminent death for 3 years now,  and Mr. Glenn is currently whining about getting death threats because of his remark.

Ukrainian Formal Wear

 Well, welcome to Mr. Zelensky's world, Mr. Glenn.


  1. Again here are some facts that you seem to overlook. Obama was the President that refused to send weaponary to Ukraine. Trump in fact sent them offense weaponary in his first term. He sent them the javelin antitank missiles that’d stoped the Russian tank advance in the invasion. Had it not been for trump Ukraine would have been wiped off the map. It was Obama who refused to confront Russia and refused to confront Assad and Issis. Trump as you may recall quickly defeated issues which was an immoral starts that needed to be destroyed and he did it. Not the incompetent Obama. Your proselytizing military actions without understanding that Ukraine is defeated and must make concessions to end the war. You seem to want a nuclear war with Russia which only shows your ideology as naive and self destructive which is the root failure of liberal doctrine.

  2. Oh, wait. You mean it wasn't Biden's fault Trump threw Zelensky under the bus, or more accurately, out the third floor window, but it was Obama's fault all along?
    What mental contortions you have to do in order to try to wipe away what we all could see on TV on 2/28/25.
    All the good stuff the US sent Ukraine was sent by Trump and all the bad things we did to Ukraine were done by Obama, Biden and the woke transgender movement!
    Had it not been for Trump, Ukraine would have been wiped off the map, and January 6 was a festival of love!
    When there is a safe and reliable test for brainworm anyone who says Trump is the true friend of Ukraine and the Democrats were the ones who betrayed Ukrainian democracy ought to line up to be the first tested.
    Oh, and maybe another indication for such testing would be anyone who insists Ukraine started the war by attacking Russia with Jewish space lasers.

  3. What a rewriting of history!
    Biden was clear as day that he was unwilling to start WWIII over Ukraine, BUT he was happy to sponsor a proxy war for democracy. Obama said pretty much the same. The Europeans have said that as well. So Ukraine got the message: You're going to have to fight this one on your own, at least for now. But we'll send help the way we did to the Afghanistan fighters to help you throw the Russians out of your country. Maybe not the best model, but that's what happened.
    What nobody has ever done is to say, "Take the deal because you have no cards to play."
    --Mad Dog

  4. Mad Dog when will you start acknowledging facts and denounce mindless leftist rhetoric. You appear to be highly educated, right? You should be more informed or do research before propagandizing. See:

  5. After you read these articles a retraction from you (like CNN) would be appropriate:

  6. Will you admit the facts and concede that Obama denied military aide for Ukraine and trump delivered and in fact trump tightened the economic blockade of Russia that the incompetent Biden loosened as with Iran and with the houthis. Thus is not opinion these are facts that you want to deny in deference to leftist pathology.

  7. Confusing opinion with "fact" is an old error.
    "Numbers don't lie," is an old adage, which, of course is a "fact" but beside the point. No, numbers never lie, but the interpretation of numbers often does.
    Every President who was in office from the time Russia started invading Ukraine had to decide if it was worth a nuclear Armageddon to defend Ukraine, and, if not, what calculated response would be appropriate.
    None of them, except Trump, tried to extort from President Zelensky a "favor" if only Zelensky would agree to conspire to damage the reputation of an American politician.
    But from Obama to Trump to Biden, the question has been how far we as the United States are willing to go, what we are willing to risk. Only Trump has switched sides and betray democracy for dictatorship.
    Mr. Biden walked that tightrope and he did it well. The Houthis, Hamas, Iran, the entire cauldron of the Middle East have never been under his control. As Lincoln said, the President often discovers he does not control events so much as being controlled by them.
    "Leftist rhetoric" is a tired old horse. Whatever reveals Mr. Trump as a vile monarchist is "leftist rhetoric."
    "Doing research" does not include reading an article on QANON or watching FOXNEWS or listening to Joe Rogan, or even occasional retractions from CNN.
    My favorite example of someone doing his "own research" was Aaron Rogers who did his own research before deciding he would not get a COVID vaccine, good team player that he was. A great quarterback, a weak minded person--a sort of Mel Gibson of the sports world.
    One way to establish credibility is to refrain from defending the indefensible.
    As you know, I'm re reading "The Best and the Brightest," and I'm now at the point where the American authorities decided to show how we were winning the war through publication of "body counts." Same technique you have recently embraced, quoting "facts" and "numbers" (which cannot lie) and which everyone back her in the States knew were sheer government propaganda, i.e. "facts" which nobody could independently confirm and even if they were true, the implication that the Vietnamese would have to give up eventually because if you added up all the body counts, there would, eventually be no Vietnamese left.
    Westmorland, when asked about bombing and killing civilians in their villages, where Vietcong were often ensconced said he regretted killing Vietnamese villagers but at least these bombings got at the Vietcong "where they were at."
    Facts, again.
    --Mad Dog

  8. Unlike you, I am reasonably sure, I personally confronted Westmoreland on his genocidal approach to warfare via indoctrinate B52 bombing of civilian targets. You are the one now risking such indoctrinate loss of life by advocating the lost cause of Ukraine retaking the Donbas region and Crimea. You are now on the same side of history as Westmoreland- not I. Trump should win the Peace Prize for forcing an end to the WW1 like madness that leftists, strongly, support becuase they reject Trump. What a travesty indeed.

  9. indiscriminate not indoctrinate

  10. Also, still haven't seen your admission that your favored Obama turned his back on Ukraine.

  11. "Zelensky is a man without a suit. Trump is a suit without a man."
    --Best comment I've seen thus far.
    And it surely applies to Vance, Glenn and all those other jackals and hyenas in the Oval Office.
    --Mad Dog

  12. Only a comedian could disdain a suit more than a war

  13. Well, that's catchy.
    Meaningless, but catchy, got to admit.
    You're right: The real problem here is not that a dime store punk tries to intimidate a real, bone fide hero, but that that same punk might have done something to hasten the end of the war by, say, sending Ukraine more military aid and saying Russia started this war, but Ukraine will get all the help it needs to end it.
    One thing which I have to agree with the odious Trumpumpkin: the Europeans have been broken by the kindness of a friend--they really need to arm themselves.
    It will be good for their economies to start spending more on weapons and armies and drones.
    So, in the end, Trump is doing them a favor by stopping the enabling role of dependency the US has fostered.

    As you know, I am hoping Canada, Mexico, Europe and Japan can forge some sort of union fast enough to crush a few Red states so the MAGA voters there can actually understand what their votes did. Closing auto plants in Michigan, closing distilleries in Kentucky, closing munitions and aerospace factories in Alabama. Oh, that would be sweet.

    Let those Red states, which the Blue states have been carrying through federal government largesse for so many years, feel the sting of a collapsing federal government teat.
    We can only dream...
    --Mad Dog

  14. 1.6 billion dollars in federal funding to Columbia university the hot bed of Jew hatred. I was surprised at that magnitude. Cut it all off I say.

  15. Most of that, I'm guessing went to the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, for medical research. The medical school is hardly a hot bed of Jew hatred.
    Nor is the undergraduate college, I'd bet, but I do not know.

    I was stunned to read, in the New Yorker article about Harvard this week, that only 10% of the undergraduates there are Jewish.
    50 years ago, even at Brown and Cornell U Medical College, two ultra WASPy institutions, my classmates were about 25% Jewish at Brown, and 35% Jewish at Cornell, by a very rough guesstimate, based on their names alone.
    So something may well have changed on campuses. I'm too far removed to know.
    --Mad Dog

  16. The coddling of anti semite leftists is ending. Deport foreign students who support Hamas and deny federal funds to every one of those Ivy League hotbeds of Jew hatred and perverse leftist thinking.
