Monday, March 3, 2025

You Don't Hold the Cards


So Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to the Oval Office on a mission to pay the extortion, the protection fee, from the gangsta on his gold chair, and he got rebuffed.

He hadn't bent the knee quite humbly enough.

He didn't say "Thank you," nice enough.

So he got turned out, sent back to Europe to bleed there.

Not the first time, actually, America has acted so nobly.

In 1939, a German ship called the "St. Louis," carrying hundreds of Jews trying to escape Nazi Germany, arrived at American shores and were sent back because their papers weren't in order. They needed notes from the Gestapo back in their home towns, certifying they were solid citizens, and the Gestapo was not inclined to provide them.

The Ship St. Louis, 1939

So, the ship was turned away, sailed back to Europe, where just short of 300 of the passengers wound up with a one way ticket to the concentration camps and all perished there.

Hitler, when questioned later about why he did not simply expel the Jews from Germany, alluded to that incident saying, "America did not want them. Nobody wants them."

Which is not to say that the United States should open its borders right now, but when Donald Trump plays that card about shit-hole countries, and shit-hole people, we all ought to know to what tradition he cleaves.

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