Thursday, July 25, 2024

Biden's Best Moment


Joseph Biden gave his finest speech on July 24, 2024, as he commented on his decision to not run for re election.

Had Ronald Reagan said the same words, or any of a number of other speakers, it would have been moving and effective, but sadly, with his mask like face, his hoarse voice, the only nuance in it a shift to whisper, he simply cannot be moving.

He garbles some of his most important words and phrases and it is because he simply cannot communicate past his obvious Parkinson's Disease, his age and infirmity, the power of his words is dissipated.

The truth is, a large role of the President is playing a role. Ronald Reagan, when asked if an actor could serve as President replied, "How can a President not be an actor?" and he was on to something. If the President cannot do theater, cannot project from the stage, he cannot lead.

Nobody today knows what Lincoln actually looked and sounded like as he delivered a speech, what his voice did, how his facial features shaped his meanings. Perhaps in the age of television and internet and images Lincoln would never have come to power or been re-elected. All that mattered was his words, as people read them in newspapers. But today, the delivery is critical and the media is the message.

The Democratic Party showed surprising resolve, boldness and capacity to act by sending it's leaders to insist to Biden he step down. 

And the fresh face and voice of Kamala Harris may, just may be what can stop der Fuehrer, Trump, from seizing power.

Time will tell, but one thing is clear even now:

Biden, in the end, did the right thing.

He gave democracy and the republic a fighting chance.


  1. Mad Dog,
    Couldn’t agree more with all that you’ve said. Biden’s delivery initially diluted the message for me. Later, when reflecting on what he said and reading the transcript, I was struck by just how moving and inspiring his speech truly was….and it provided more than inspiration—gratitude, optimism, a vision for the future. Oh and truth- a commodity in short supply on the other side.

    Biden’s decision to put the country first, over his own ambition, was a rare and selfless act. It’s one his opponent is incapable of-Trump hasn’t had a selfless thought in 78 years. Near the end of the speech he said “I hope you have some idea how grateful I am to all of you.” I hope he knows how grateful so many of us are to him….

  2. You last two sentences says so succinctly what I took several paragraphs trying to say.
