Sunday, July 21, 2024

And Now The Fun Begins


President Biden did the right thing, of course.

For a career politician one of the hardest things.

Now, the Democratic Party has to take a deep breath and think. Mad Dog hopes the party does not do the easy thing, at least before having exhausted all the other choices.

The easiest thing to do would be to nominate Kamala Harris, but it may not be the smartest thing to do.

Personally, I always liked Ms. Harris, but we need to think this through and not simply take the simple, easy out.

The first thing to realize is there will be an outpouring of sympathy and admiration for President Biden and he should be out there on the campaign trail milking that for all he's worth. He could be good at that, and he could help his country a lot.

The next thing is to simply think of the attributes of a candidate who can beat Mr. Trump, who spent decades building his brand name.

Is there anyone who is as famous, who is widely beloved?

When I posed this question to a twenty something just now and asked her if she would vote for Tom Hanks, she said she didn't know who that was. When I said, "Sleepless in Seattle" and "Saving Private Ryan" a vague flicker of recognition passed across her eyes. I explained he was a movie actor and I asked if she'd have reservations voting for someone without political or elective experience, she shrugged and said, "No problem."

 "In fact," she said, "I'd vote for Kim Kardashian. I'd definitely vote for her."

"For President? we're talking about President here," I said.

 "She's a lawyer and she's made herself a billionaire,"

this twenty something voter informed me.

From the mouths of babes. 

When I asked her what the big issue in her mind for this election would be she said, "My uterus."

But when I asked her which party would be more likely to protect her reproductive rights, she got a blank look and shrugged. And when I pressed her on the Supreme Court which had overturned Roe, she said, "And, yeah--they were all men."  Well, actually, not Amy Barrett I said.  But, I asked did she know the six who voted out Roe were all appointed by Republicans, she remained blank faced and said, simply. "Oh. Yeah." So which party would be likely to protect her uterus? She still did not know.

I asked her if she was for abortion. Yes.

I asked her if she was for infanticide. 

"What's that?" she asked. 

I explained it was killing babies.

She said she was against killing babies but when I asked about a baby who would be born within a few days or weeks she said, "Well, if their family didn't want him, then that would not be a good life."

So this is who elects Presidents.

This lady said she was encouraging all her friends to vote.

And I thought, "If her friends are anything like her, do I really want them voting?
But she may be persuadable.

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