Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Gotta Love Her: Kamala Comes Out Swinging

Okay, I know just one opinion from an eccentric New Hampshire Democrat is of no importance whatsoever.

I know, I know: Nobody cares what I think. 

I am that tree in the woods which falls and there is no ear to hear it--so my noise doesn't count, it's not even a noise.

But I hear this ad on the radio driving to work this morning, and all I could do was shout: "Finally!"

Finally, we have somebody who is saying what I want to say, what I want to hear, in a way we can get up and cheer about. 


The Democrats may not win. 

And you know Donald Trump will never have the balls to set foot on a debate stage with her.

But at least we will bloody the noses of those Goddamn Trumplings.


Thanks, Joe. We owe you one.


  1. Mad Dog,
    Kamala wasn’t my first choice prior to Biden stepping aside, but I was impressed by her two speeches- especially the one in Delaware to the campaign workers. She’s been loyal to Biden and that is also a big plus. I’m very excited about her candidacy now- she’ll prosecute Trump out on the stump and on the debate stage and I can’t wait to watch. It will be so fitting for Donald to finally get his comeuppance not only from a woman, but a black woman at that. Now onto her VP pick… I like Pete…

  2. Of course, Pete would be my choice, but thinking about what other people think, I would go with Mark Kelly.
