Friday, July 26, 2024

Return of the Cat Woman


J.D. Vance has said all sorts of things we had not, until now, been aware of.

There was that remark about how women should basically be barefoot and pregnant at home in the kitchen cooking for their husband and family and not working outside the home like those childless women who live with cats.

I'd Vote For Her

He followed up on this Handmaid's Tale idea with the suggestion that a man with 10 children should have 11 votes, one for himself and 10 for each child, because he had contributed more to his country by populating it, redolent of the Third Reich Lebensborn program which sent blonde, Aryan women to farms where they would mate with blonde Aryan SS officers to produce children for the Reich, sons to fight in the Wehrmacht and daughters to pop out more cannon fodder.

Long term Recruitment Planning

It was a swell idea. The SS officers loved it very much. What the women thought, if they were thinking at all, is not well documented.

Working Ovaries

I don't know. If I had to choose between the cat ladies and these Lebensborn women, I might be more inclined toward the cats.

Cat Woman

Republicans meanwhile are digging out all the things Kamala said in 2020 when she was running in the Democratic primaries about wanting to stop fracking, which would not endear herself to the Pennsylvania voters.

A Cat Woman

If I were Kamala, I think I'd stop talking about how appointing a Black woman to the Supreme Court was such a great achievement, because we want the Court, or the workplace or any workforce to "look more like America," which is a great turn off to the average swing voter who sees Diversity/Equity/Inclusion as reverse discrimination and giving people jobs simply because they are members of a desirable group, rather than on their own merits.

I really do wish that emphasis on how people look or how the work place looks is just a hop, skip and a jump from those Trumpian chants about dark skinned illegals flooding across the borders. Trump is all about how people look. He liked Mike Pence because Pence looked like a VP from Central Casting and he likes the idea of recruiting more immigrants from Norway and Denmark, because they are , well, blonde.

And while we are at it, Democrats trying to woo the wavering voters ought to try not to talk too much about putting transgender girls on girls' high school teams, even though, as the governor of Utah has noted, the number of people this applies to can be counted on one hand in that state. It's just a loser for Democrats and much as we might want to protect vulnerable people, we'd do that more effectively by not handing Trump the election with ideas which many swing voters find repugnant. 

In other words, less ideological purity and more sensitivity to what other people think.

Stick to the things most people want: like the freedom to control your own uterus.

Kamala ought to stick to the idea that Republicans are coming for your freedoms: the freedom to have an abortion, to get contraception, to have your winning candidate not be prevented from taking office by a violent mob, the freedom to marry whoever you want, or to not marry and produce children to fight in your country's wars, the freedom to not have children at all, the freedom to not go to church and to not pay taxes used to support churches (i.e. the separation of church and state), the freedom to not have your kids taught the 10 commandments in public schools, the freedom to not be shot by the latest maniac with an attack rifle. Stuff like that ought to do nicely.

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