Friday, July 19, 2024

Democratic Party Swallows the Suicide Pill


Approaching the Democratic National Convention, the Party may already be a dead man walking, but if Democrats nominate Joseph Biden for President, then surely they will be swallowing that cyanide capsule.

The Republican Party has really only one aim, and that is to enact the Project 2025 which includes, most prominently, a huge tax give away to millionaires and to return to the salaried masses, the HVAC guys, plumbers and electricians the full burden of paying for government.

Because Republicans have nothing rational to offer re: climate change, energy conservation, environmental protection, education, infrastructure and because they oppose contraception, abortion and efforts to achieve clean air, clean water and public health, including vaccinations against pandemic viruses, they really have nothing to run on except phantoms: the invasion across the Southern border by insane asylum inmates and rapists, criminal gangs. 

So the GOP instead of talking about these losing issues: direct attention to efforts by Democrats who Republicans claim deny there are two distinct genders, and then they slide into the cant that Democrats want to  brain wash/indoctrinate your children into becoming transgender or gay, whichever you might think worse.

This gender discussion has been the Democrats' biggest gift to the Republican Party.

I am in full agreement with Dave Chappelle on this: I support anyone becoming whoever they want to be, whatever they believe they have to be--but to what extent do I have to participate in your self image?

Where this arises is the whole "pronoun" thing. Don't expect me to talk about "they" going to town for a haircut when I'm referring to a single person. Gender fluidity, transgender folks lose 99% of the American public when they open any speech with, "I am so and so, and I use his."

Also, the whole idea of a transgender college athlete, who went through puberty on a tide of testosterone, with all that meant for his skeleton and musculature, and then undergoing transgender manipulations and being allowed to compete as a woman against women, and rewriting all the female swimming records is so transparently wrong it hardly requires explication.

At what point will Democrats start valuing winning over some ideal of intellectual consistency?

Just look at this video of President Biden in the Rose Garden at the White House. There he is frozen in his Parkinsonian grip, while a male in long dreadlocks and a dress undulates beside him. All the GOP has to do for the next two months is to buy airtime and internet time to replay this scene over and over again and they'll add the Senate, the House and the White House to their Supreme Court.

And the Democrats will have only themselves to blame.

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