Wednesday, February 26, 2025


  •  Listened to Tim Burchett, Republican Congressman from Tennessee  who said President Trump and Elon Musk and his Musketeers are just so right about the trillions of dollars wasted, defrauded and abused  by the corrupt Washington, D.C. civil servants, which he knows is happening because he once had a friend who took over a (private) company once, and discovered that company had "ghost workers" on the books, doing no work but collecting pay checks so it must be happening in WDC, which everyone knows is true even if he cannot come up with a specific instance. Mr. Burchett was giving a for instance about government Waste/Abuse/Fraud (WAF) by talking about an instance which occurred in the private sector, not the government, it must be clear, so it was a little disorienting trying to figure out why he thought this was a perfect illustration of government WAF. But maybe what he was trying to say is people will do WAF if you give them the chance, and so, we know it MUST be going on in that corrupt city of Washington, D.C., because there are people there and people do WAF.
  • Turned on FOX NEWS and listened for 15 minutes:  I was pleased to learn Mr. Musk and Mr. Trump will save the trillions they are losing by not collecting taxes from billionaires by stopping WAF in the Medicare program, but not to worry as none of this will result in a cut in benefits for Medicare recipients, even though these folks are sort of abusing the federal government by demanding back all those dollars they've paid into the Medicare system over the years. Really isn't Medicare and Social Security just the biggest WAF scam ever? Sure, people paid into those programs for decades, but now they actually expect to get benefits from all that. I mean, as Mr. Trump has said, anyone who pays taxes are losers, so they are all losers. Did they really expect to get that money back without a fight? Just ask all those union construction workers who built those Atlantic City casinos Mr. Trump never paid. You know if you hitch a ride on the back of a snake or a scorpion what is going to happen, so why are you bawling now?
  • Did not respond to Mr. Musk's email saying I was fired if I did not respond to his email, because I don't think he is in any position to fire me, not being an actual real official--he sort of carries one of those Ebay badges which you can order online to say you're an FBI agent or a US Marshall or a DOGE Musketeer, which probably has an X on it somewhere, but I haven't seen it yet.

  • Issued a new set of Membership Rules for anyone who wants to be part of the Democratic Party saying that anyone who wants in, who wants to be a member of the Democratic Party,  must sell us mineral rights to anything found in their backyards, or in their automobiles, and they must agree to the following statements: 1/ Diversity is a good thing in groups, but Diversity is not an individual merit,  and you can't get a job or admission to college because your face is not white 2/ Transgenders should be treated with respect and kindness but that doesn't mean they can compete on the girls swim team, if they have gone through a male puberty before they transitioned 3/ When speaking in public, never announce your pronouns or use the words/phrases "I'm really scared," or "I'm so sad" or "It's just so threatening and mean," or "unprecedented" or "dangerous" or "frightened" or any derivative of "frightened."  Re-read Churchill's "We Will Fight Them on the Beaches" speech at least weekly.
  • Looked up the HR regulations re: what it means to be "semi-fired" Also went online to find out if I can buy a "Gold Card" which is like a Green Card which allows foreign aliens to work in the USA if they buy the card, and it might facilitate getting US citizenship eventually. The card costs $5 million, so I'm going to have to put that on my VISA, if I can get a visa without a Gold Card. It's not clear if it comes with a Trump Bible or a diploma from Trump University where I would like to major in cooking Trump steaks. 
  • Listened to 4 hours of old Rush Limbaugh tapes
An actual, real Tough Guy

Is that 5? I can do more if Mr. Musk thinks that's a good idea.


  1. Max Dog,
    Just in- an update from Elon on the five things he accomplished last week:

    “1) Met with my DOGE bags to practice semi Nazi salutes and marching lock step in knee high boots.
    2) Had multiple meetings with Donald during which he loves to lick my boots and the toes on my two left feet,
    3)Lots of time spent in front of the mirror perfecting running with a chainsaw. Just so you know-I’m better than Freddy Krueger.
    4)Supply Doge bros with beer to celebrate government destruction since they aren’t old enough to buy it themselves. Spend my nights writing alarming and brilliant things on X.
    5) Did I mention Donald and my toes….?”

    And there you have it Mad Dog…

  2. Oh, Ms. Maud,
    You have outdone me again!
    And clearly you have been watching Colbert.
    It would be enormously funny if it did not affect so many worthy people--just talked to a lady who works for the IRS who responds to these emails as if they were any other demand of her job, not seeing these lunatics are really not normal people with whom you can expect to deal normally.
    She is still trying to figure out what she's done wrong.

  3. Hopefully Trump can equal My favorite President Clinton in trimming federal workforce. Federal payroll does not equate to high quality federal administration. Mad Dog obviously equates the two which is again a faulty premise. I hear China is full of government workers.

  4. Trimming the federal workforce will predictably increase the deficit and the national debt as all those billionaires will get away with not paying taxes. The federal workforce is not bloated. There is a lot less waste, abuse or fraud in the government than in the private sector, except perhaps in that part of the government directly under control of Trump/Musk. The big fraud is that Musk is now deputy czar and can do whatever when wants without the other two branching cooperating.
    The other big fraud is that we don't need no frigging government: We do need a government for defense, for public health, for commerce, for smooth operation of transportation and to be able to grow enough food and distribute it to feed the nation.
    Without a strong federal government we'd be just another tinpot nation like the ones Trump calls "shit hole countries."
