“The federal government is costly, inefficient, and deeply in debt. At the same time, it is not producing results for the American public. Instead, tax dollars are being siphoned off to fund unproductive and unnecessary programs that benefit radical interest groups while hurting hardworking American citizens. The American people registered their verdict on the bloated, corrupt federal bureaucracy on November 5, 2024 by voting for President Trump and his promises to sweepingly reform the federal government.”
--Memo from Trumplings to the Federal government
The animating base gospel of Trumpism, as it was for Reaganism, is contained in the email sent out by Trump's co conspirators printed above.
This is the old Reagan: "Government is not the solution. Government is the problem." AKA "The ten scariest words in the English language are: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." And then there was the Reagan riff on the infamous "welfare queen" who is out there driving around in her Cadillac, living at her luxury hotel, spending cash and talking trash and all on those welfare checks sent out by a feckless government, while hard working taxpayers struggled to meet their bills every month.
Despots, cranks, goons and simpletons all need a simple core fantasy: For Hitler it was the Jews, who stabbed the German army and the German people in the back and lost Germany World War One and brought brought economic collapse after that war. For Joe McCarthy, it was the Communists, who he claimed had infiltrated the American government and were poised to take over. For Trumplings, it is that hoary, "Waste, Fraud and Abuse," or rearranged, "Waste,Abuse and Fraud," or WAF.
Truth is no government, no human organization functions with perfect efficiency, not even a National Football League team.
But compared to most private companies, most creations of the human species, the American federal government is pretty efficient, wastes relatively little and subject to remarkably little fraud or abuse.
It's the government is the problem goons who are the problem. Not the government.
"But compared to most private companies, most creations of the human species, the American federal government is pretty efficient, wastes relatively little and subject to remarkably little fraud or abuse." I hope that is an attempt at lame Mag Dog humor because this is not grounded in facts or reality.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Mad Dog would like to comment on this quote from the Top Democratic Fundraiser in California of all places: " I think as Joe got older, he — maybe you think I’m naive in saying this — but I’m not even sure if he remembers all of the corruption that he engaged in." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/democrat-turns-on-her-own-party-over-woke-insanity/ar-AA1zZMtx?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=750c3dc91cc642c784f2166d7e9acacc&ei=18
ReplyDeletePoor Mad Dog is left with BS rhetoric, untethered from reality. How about this one headline from 2023 Mad Dog. Want to issue a retraction on your positioning? " Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation has agreed to pay the United States $377,453,150 to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act by improperly billing commercial and international costs to its government contracts. Booz Allen, which is headquartered in McLean, Virginia, provides a range of management, consulting, and engineering services to the government, as well as commercial and international customer."
ReplyDeleteWell, one of us is untethered to reality, but others will have to judge which of us that is.
ReplyDeleteMy reality is we are far better off with a working government than with whatever it is Musk/Trump are currently running.