Friday, February 28, 2025

Proud to Be A New American!

Now where is Lee Greenwood when you need him?
Just when Volodymyr Zelensky arrives in the White House without even a shirt and tie--such disrespect to the Oval Office--sitting in front of the Resolute Desk of all things, being, you know, well: Resolute! You know, when everyone said Ukraine would fold in three days, Zelensky stayed in Kyiv and when offered an escape from the onslaught, he said, "I don't need a ride. I need ammunition." And the Russians sent out their assassins and were looking for a third floor window to push him out of, but he just kept fighting and he rallied his people, who elected him, in a landslide,  to carry on the fight.

Georgie Porgie and Tweedledum, Safe in Their House, with an actual Hero

And he never even said "Thank you," for all the money the US of A  has given Ukraine, so they could do the fighting and dying for us, and for everyone else, while we said it's not worth starting World War III over Ukraine, but if we give you some anti tank weapons and some drones, good luck defending the idea of democracy, and the right of a nation to live free and die.
Your Brains or Your Signature Will Be On This Contract!

What you have to really love is the bust of Winston Churchill, which Trump got for the Oval Office--Churchill who carved his place in history by refusing to capitulate, by promising to fight tyranny and despotism and aggression on the beaches, in the fields and to never surrender and there is Trump who thinks there's nothing worth doing any of that for--it's better to sell out your allies and make a deal.

And J.D. Vance finally let slip the real reason Trump and all the Trumpies can't abide Zelensky: He spoke at a Kamala rally in Pennsylvania! So disloyal! The Don should have sent him to sleep with the fishes first thing. 

So here's the updated song, if we can just find someone to sing it. Maybe Lindsay Graham or Jim Jordan? Or how about the two of them plus J.D., in three part harmony?

Oh, I thank my lucky stars
To be living here right in this time.
'Cause the flag once stood for freedom
And they dragged it through the slime 
And I'm proud to be an American
Where  I know how to bend the knee
And I won't forget the mob who sells
Whatever rights might be!
And I'll gladly hide right behind you
And laugh to see you bleed
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I'll sell you out
Just as soon as I can do the deed
It's the reason I love this land
Where there's no morality
Only do what turns a profit for you and for me!

It's the new American way
God Bless the USA!


  1. Zelensky is holding office under martial law and had every intention of scuttling any peace deal because he refuses to end a war he cannot win. Trump exposed Zelensky and his arrogance and his intention to sacrifice his population. It was the most disgraceful conduct of a foreign leader in the White House in the history of America.

  2. "Marshall law" whatever that may be might be a reasonable and practical thing when your country is being invaded, bombed and undermined by a foreign power.
    Not, it was not a disgraceful display by Zelensky, who, speaking in English, might be forgiven some lack of eloquence, when being interrupted and not allowed to finish a sentence.
    But surely, if we are talking about the top 10 disgraceful conduct awards surely Trump must be #1 and Vance #2.
    Competing for #3 are all those who viewed the videos and did not simply howl at the gangsters we have elected to represent our country.
    --Mad Dog

  3. Mad Dog,
    You’ve improved the Greenwood song tenfold- the new lyrics are perfection!!
    Zelensky is a hero and much admired in Ukraine regardless of the Kremlin talking points Anonymous insists on spewing … Decent, sane and informed citizens aren’t buying what he’s selling…
